I Love You

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Hi guys after watching shivika confession I was really confused how to write but I decided to write.
Here start the story.............

They started their journey to the surprise which is going to change their life forever.After one hour travel they reached on a top of cliff it was a rainy day and the sky was dark.
Annika was really afraid by seeing the dark. Shivaay came and ask her to get out from the car but first she refused but he assured her as he is with her which always give her strength.

After getting out from car she tightly hold shivaay's hand . After some time they moved forward and shivaay give signal to on the lights. She was shocked by seeing the decoration it was really beautiful. She was busy watching the arrangements then she  looked towards shivaay but for her surprise he was not their but suddenly she looked down she saw shivaay in knees. She was not able to believe as the SSO was kneeling in front of her.she was going to say something but he hold her hand indicating to stop.

she was going to say something but he hold her hand indicating to stop

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Shivaay : Annika I want to say something to you. I don't know how to start as you know i am very bad in expressing but seriously if I didn't say this I may not be able to live . Annika I don't know when I started to feel it but I know that you also have same feelings for me but you are scared to say as I am very found of NKK  . But today the shivaay standing in front of you is not the SSO  I am only shivaay and want to be Annika's shivaay forever . I don't when ur small antics made me smile when your tears become my tears when your pain become my also pain . Now I cannot see tears in your eyes . When I am with you I get the worlds most happiness .I want to get that happiness for whole life. I promise that I will give you all happiness you deserve in this world. I will stay with you every time whatever the situation may be. I will always protect you . I will not leave you alone .

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