Leaving Oberoi Mansion

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   ❤️❤️💞😀😍50 chapter😍❤️❤️💞

Shivaay went from their to the police station as he got the call from bhavya saying that he wake up.

He entered police station, his eyes showed the anger and rage he had, a person will feel scared to look to his eyes. He straight went to the lock up and saw bhavya and sid with daksh.
He came forward and started to beat him blue and black. He was not stopping that was making daksh lifeless. Bhavya and sid tried to stop him but he was not able to stop him.
Finally  sid dragged him from their and hugged him.

After some time he felt relaxed and moved to the lock up.
D:please shivaay don't beat me please

S:then say who told u to do that and who helped u to enter in Oberoi Mansion.

D:vo shivaay

S :come on say it

D :tumhari maa Mrs Pinky sing Oberoi.

That was shock for him. He thought she will change but he was made wrong. It was shock for both bhavya and sid also. He went from their without telling anything. Sid followed him and try to stop him but he went to the car and went from their.

He was driving the car very rashly and sid was following him. He reached Oberoi Mansion. He went inside without listening anyone 's calling.
He entered his room and closed the door. By hearing the sound annika opened her eyes and saw him packing the bag and saw he was angry so thought to not to ask anything. Because she know what he is going through so thought to give him some time.

S: we are leaving

A : mmm and she took the baby in her arms and he hold her hands and both went down.

All were shocked to see him with bags the first one to come out from the shock was rudra and ask
R:bhaiya ap kaha jare.

O:shivaay were are u going.

But he was not responding to their question. So finally dadi asked him
D:Billu tu kaha Jare

S :we are  going from here.

O:what are you saying shivaay where are u going.

S :I am telling the truth we are leaving Oberoi Mansion because this place is not safe for my ani and baby so we are leaving.

O :par hua kya he in

S :he looked at the direction of pinky and said because of this women.

R :choti maa ki wajase kyu

S :she tried to kill my aadhu.

Everyone :what???

S :she was the person behind aadhu 's kidnap so I don't want to stay here anymore.

R: bhaiya.......
But he was cut by shivaay he hold annika' s hand and went to dadi and took blessings and went to the door without turning back to anyone or Not listening to the pleadings of his brother.
They both exited the door may be forever or may be come back.

Their khanna was waiting for shivaay and sid was also their.
Si :kaha Javungi

S : Paris our destination

Si :let's go

S: mm
They entered inside. Shivaay annika with baby Sit at the back. And shivaay leaned his head on her shoulder and she slowly caressed his hair.

After some time they reached airport and the private jet was waiting their for them.
Si : shivaay what should I do about the case

S : I don't know just leave it let them do what ever they want.

Si :fine we will come their

S :mm bye

Si :bye annika

A: bye sid

S :  Chale

A :mm

They both went to their private jet.
They settled inside and she kept the baby in cradle and saw shivaay sitting in the bed holding his head.
She came to him and took of his hand and hold his face in her palms and kissed his forehead cheeks and slowly captured his lips. He hold her waist and made her sit in his lap. They both were kissing each other to forget each other's pain and anger sadness everything. After nearly 15 minutes they parted and rested their foreheads together.
A :I love you

S: I love you too

S : are u angry at me.

A : why

S: because I didn't ask u the opinion just ordered u everything u just simply followed it

A: no shivaay I know what ever decision u take it will be for our benefit. So I was not at all angry and we have already decided that we will leave Oberoi Mansion after the naming ceremony.

S : yes but the way I behaved.......

A :Chup nothing like that let's talk about something else.

S :fine u say what you want to talk.

A: bathao aadhu jab badi hoga tho what will we make her like doctor businesses women

S :vo she will decide herself we will not compel her to do anything which she doesn't like.

A:why shivaay u don't want aadhu to be a business women like u.

S : If she wants she can do it if not then I will not compel her as my mother did to me.

A :apko business man nahi banatha kya

S : no I want to become a great cook and want to make food for everyone by starting hotel.

A: mmm so mera shivaay Ko cook banatha koi nahi u can jab ham Paris Jayenge vaha u can cook me a  lot food for me.

S :Acha ji...
Saying this he started to tickle her and she started to laugh continuously and but suddenly they heard aadhu 's crying they stopped and went to her took her from the cradle and was making her quite. But she was not quite and understood that she was hungry. So annika started to feed her and laid her head in shivaay' s shoulder.

Precap : new beginning

Hey guys I am back with next update hope u will enjoy it.

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