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Shivaay was busy in hugging so he didn't notice the pair of eyes looking at them and smirking .
After sometime they released the hug and discussed about the arrangements.

Then she came out from the room . when she was going out rudra came and blocked her along with om .
R: hi didi I am hot handsome young rudra sing Oberoi. People who loves call me Rudy.
A: hi Rudy I am Annika.
O: hi I am omkara .
A: so you are the dulha right( so guys its wedding of omkara with whom tell u later)
O: yes.
R: did I ap bohut cute ho. Ap jalthise pehrchanlia O ko.
A: ya I am his wedding planner I should recognize him right.
Rudra do his famous logic sign.
When they were talking shivaay came their but he was staring Annika but he didn't notice that someone else is staring him.
O: shivaay where were u yesterday?.
S: vo mein ek deal crack karne gaya.
O: did u get the deal.
S: of course I got the deal.
While saying this he was looking at Annika she was slightly blushing.the pair of eyes noted this.
O: did u call tia ?
Shivaay was shocked by this question.
S: why should I call her?
O: no u told u want to speak to her and I thought yesterday u would have met her.
S: no om I was busy I didn't meet her.
All this was heard by Annika and suddenly she told : I am living bohot raat hogayi. She went from their.
Shivaay was tensed as did she misunderstood him .

He also bid bye to brothers and went behind in the car following her.
When she reached her house he parked the car and and entered into the house before she closing it.
She was shocked by this.
A: shivaay what are u doing?
S: I did not talk to tia. I didn't meet her yesterday.
By hearing this and seeing his scared face she started laughing.
A: hahahahahah..shivaay for saying this u came here.
He nods.

She was laughing continuously.
Shivaay pinned her to the wall which made a break to her laugh and asked why u were laughing.
A: shivaay I no u didn't talk to tia yesterday and didn't meet her because u were with me full day. Did u forget?
Suddenly realization strike him ya it was correct then why u were angry.
A: I was not angry I felt something wrong by the question as in order to make us speak out something . I trust u shivaay.
S:  thank u! why om will do that?
A: I don't know may be illusion.
Then again she started laughing.
S: why u are laughing know.
A: seeing.....ur .....face hahaha

Seeing this shivaay came more close to her decreasing the distance. She stopped her laugh and closed her eyes shivaay stared her and slowly moved towards her lips  but suddenly the door bell rang.

He was frustrated and moved back and Annika open the door. She was shocked by seeing the person standing "OM" this was heard by shivaay and he came to the door he was shocked to see om standing here.

The pair of eyes watching Annika and shivaay hugging was omkara .
He was stunned to see His brother who is rude arrogant doesn't belive in love was hugging a girl kissing her saying I love you.
He made sure that he will find out what us going between them.
When rudra om and Annika talking he saw shivaay staring her and the blush and purposefully put tia into that he could catch him.
And exactly it happened.
He is seeing his brother in her house.
End of flashback

S: om tu yeha kya kare?
O: I came here to check what my brother was doing with the new appointed wedding planner. Will not invite me inside Annika.
A: sorry pls come in .
S: om vo mein much discuss karne aya.
O: tu jantihu mujhe jhoot se kithni naftrat hein.
S : om I am sorry. I want to tell you but I was waiting for the right time.
O: kabse chal re ye .
S: two three months.
O : wow so u didn't care to even tell to me great I am not ur saga bhai right.
S: its not like that om
A: om is mein shivaay ki kiyi galthi nahi hein I didn't want any one to no about this as I was uncomfortable.
S: pls om I am sorry.
O: anyway u both look beautiful together . thank u for making him to shivaay from shivaay sing Oberoi.
A: don't say that I didn't do anything .
I am also sorry.
O: don't say sorry I just want to catch u red handed for that only I followed you and said about tia.
A: I doubted isliye I came from their.
I saw u smirking when talking about tia. But ur brother is duffer he came following me.
O: right.
S: execuse me u call me duffer.
A: yes .
S: u will have to pay for this Annika.
Come om we can go.
O: bye Annika see you . om went.
S: bye I will see u tomorrow. I love u and kisses her cheek.
A: I love u too bye.
They both went.

Precap: the fun begins.

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