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The private jet landed in Paris and they went to their house which shivaay has brought in the name of annika.
They entered inside and went to their room and laid aadhu in the bed and kept pillow for her in order to protect her from falling.
He came and sit in the bed and was holding his head. Annika saw this and asked him

A: kya hua shivaay

S: kuch nahi ani just head ache.

A : u just take rest shivaay.

S: it's okay ani I will help u.

A: no shivaay u just take rest

she took his head his in her lap and she massaged his head and slowly he slept and his head ache was getting less.

He slept and she placed his head in pillow and covered him with duvet  and annika went to washroom to change her  dress.

After changing she came to room and opened her wardrobe and kept the dresses from the luggage and set the wardrobe. While doing this she was feeling dizzy but she didn't mind and went to the hall. But after reaching hall she was loosing her conscious but hold the couch their and Sat their and closed the eyes.

After some time shivaay woke up from his sleep. He got up and searched for annika in his room but she was not their so he thought annika will be in the hall so he went their. He saw annika sitting in the couch he came to her and Sat beside her.

S:ani ye ha kyu baiti hu.
But she was not responding.

S: ani..... He called her but she was responding he patted her more but she was not responding he became scared.
He called the doctor immediately and took her to room. The doctor arrived and checked and gave her injection and said that

D: she has just delivered right so it's its weakness she will be okay give her some healthy foods and let her take rest and also keep her happy.

S:okay doctor.

He sighed and Sat beside her and caressed her head. He know she has suffered a lot and now also suffering but not showing as she didn't want him to get tensed. He decided for giving her all the happiness in coming life.

He thought to prepare some food for her so he went to kitchen.

He went to kitchen and prepared food and went towards room and saw a cute scene she was still sleeping but there little muchkin was awake and was playing and trying to touch annika to make her wake up. But her efforts were going in vain and she was going to cry but shivaay took her in his arms.

S: aww mera aadhu kyu rore kuch nahi mama sore uski thabiyath tik nahi he in. Ham mama ko disturb nahi karenge.

They went to hall and he was playing with aadhu and suddenly aadhu kissed his cheeks.

S:aww papa ko kiss mili Mein be du.

Saying this he kissed aadhu in her for head cheeks and little nose. She was happy and was happily clapping her hands.

Suddenly he heard some sound from bedroom and he took aadhu and went to bedroom and saw annika was struggling to get up.


She looked and saw shivaay and aadhu. He laid aadhu in the bed and helped annika to sit properly.

S: u could call me right why u didn't call me.

A:vo bus

S:apna dhyan nahi rakhsaktha how many times I told u to take rest part tum meri kabhi nahi sunthi.

He was going on scolding and annika was adoring him the way he scold her as she missed this scolding some where.

But suddenly stopping her thoughts and his scolding aadhu started to cry seeing her papa scolding mama. Seeing her cry shivaay try to pick her but she refused to go to him. Shivaay was surprised seeing this. She forwarded her hands to annika indicating her to pick her. Annika took her in her embrace and aadhu kept her head in her chest and snuggle to her mother more.

A: aadhu kya hua
She kissed aadhu 's cheek and in return aadhu also kissed annika' s cheeks.

S:mujhe nahi dungi.

But aadhu didn't give him and they understood that aadhu didn't like shivaay scolding annika.

A: shivaay hamari aadhu kitna cute heina.

S:hamari aadhu cute hein lekin vo mujse bath nahi kare. Aadhu dekho mamma ko nahi datungi sorry

He made his famous puppy face and aadhu 's heart melt seeing that and she kissed his cheeks.

Shivaay was happy and he also kissed her cheeks and also kissed annika' s cheek.

S:tum khana khalo and saying this he took aadhu from her and gave her food.

At night
A: shivaay malika called me she told they will be coming tomorrow.

S:hmm sid has called me.

A: and she also told that ki.........

S:ki..... Kya

A: pinky aunty...........

S:no I don't want to hear anything come on sleep.

She didn't speak anything further and went to bed. He also slept beside her and took her in his embrace and kissed her forehead.

S:good night

A:good night

Next day

Shivaay was making breakfast and annika was getting aadhu ready. Their door bell rang and shivaay went to open the door. He opened the door and saw sid and malika. He hugged sid and welcome them inside.

Si:aadhu kaha he in

S:she is with annika I will call her.

He called her and they both came down. Malika went to aadhu and try to took aadhu but she was not willing to go and malika showed her doll and she happily went to malika.

M:aww so cute heina sid

They were playing with aadhu and suddenly sid spoke

Si:shivaay pinky aunty is missing from Oberoi Mansion they were going to hand over her to the police may be she got scared and went away.

Shivaay didn't respond and went to arrange the breakfast. But annika find his behaviour fishy not only annika sid also felt.

Si: did he yesterday also avoided this topic.

A:hmm he was not ready to listen its okay.

Si: hmm

Later they went to have breakfast and they went around Paris to cherish their memories and also to forget about everything and live a life were their is no problem nothing.

But still where is pinky is a question in the minds of Oberoi 's on other people's but  for annika it came some what clear that what has happened to her.

Precap :aadhu' s first birthday

Hey guys I know I have not updated this book for long. And I was planning to update but due to the situation in kerala as I am staying here their was not network so couldn't do it.
Sorry guys.

Do u have any idea where will be pinky or what will have happen to her

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