Chapter eleven

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Marshall's p.o.v

I can't find marceline anywhere, she was standing right beside me then just disappeared. It took me quite awhile to find her, she was in the dance floor with some guy, he has a white hair and was wearing a weird shredded clothes. I can see Marcy looking pissed off from here, its kinda crowded so I took my chances and flew towards them.

"marcy!" I called her as I neared them, she looked to my direction. she looked kinda relieved to see me, she quickly gave me a smile and a 'help me' look. The guy also turned his head to my direction, 'who the hell is that?!'

"let me go jerk!!" she exclaimed, giving him a really hard punch in the gut

"marcy, this is?!" I asked curiously as she quickly pulled out of his tight grip.

"I don't know!!" she growled flying towards me

"who the hell are you?!" I asked him grabbing his collar, then showing him my demon eyes and sharp fangs to intimidate him

"spare me, I'm..I'm kind of color blind. I thought she was my girl" he explained starting to tremble, 'what a loser!! how would you have someone as pretty as marceline be your girlfriend, if you look like that!, gross man!!' , I immediately loosen my grip, making him stumble in the ground then he quickly ran like a coward

"you okay?" I asked marceline

"yeah, I'm fine" she answered giving me a deep sigh, "I really thought that was ash!!, thank goodness it wasn't" she smiled looking at me with her scarlet orbs.

"he said you were his girl!" I told her making her pause, after a minute we both burst out laughing.

"haha, who would date him?!"

"that poor thing!!, you punched him real hard there, that'll leave a mark.." I said with sarcasm making her chuckle

"ha, I'll take that as a gift to him for gripping me tight!?, and your the one who scared him off!" she said with a big smile on her face, "good thing we didn't create a commotion in this crowd, we better head back" she said as she tugged on my arms flying towards our table. But I pulled her back to the dance floor, quickly putting her hands around my neck, gripping her waist with both of my hand then hugged her tight so she can't push me away.

"w-what?!" she asked with a muffled voice, 'she's so cute when she does that' I thought to my self, making me hug her tighter and laugh under my breath

"nothing, I want to dance with you. I saved you from that haggard, didn't I" I said starting to snicker

"how ill, you already scared him, enough to make him piss on his pants then you call him haggard?" she chuckled

"since when did you get this soft?!" I teased

"I'm not soft marsh, just telling the truth and..will you let me go? I can't even put my arms down" she said as she hanged her arms in my back then returning it around my neck

"no way" I rejected her with a playful tone in my voice

"is this your way of teasing me or pissing me off?!"

"no! I'm not, I really want to do this, if I loosen my grip promise you won't do anything stupid!!" I changed my tone into a serious one, 'glob! I got her this time!!---I didn't mean it in a romantic subtext'

"um..o-okay" she say stammering, 'whoa, the vampire queen is agreeing, she can be soft sometimes', I loosen my grip and she didn't punch me or anything. she just stood in front of me, her hands still around my neck.


Marceline's p.o.v

I agreed not doing anything stupid, he sounds so serious, why not?. He loosened his grip and I did nothing like I said, just standing in front of him and avoiding eye contact.

"we still have eleven minutes, can we stay like this for awhile?" he asked

"fine" I agreed reluctantly, after a minute he suddenly moved his head closer to mine making me feel something run down my spine giving me goosebumps. He willingly rested his head on my shoulder, pulling me closer and tightening his grip. I can't do anything!

"hey, I forgot to tell you--your dress suits you, but you still look beautiful without them" he flirted as usual, whispering in my ears which made my skin crawl when his breath touched it(ear). 'damn!, I hate it when someone whispers in my ears'

"enough with the flirting pretty boy, I want to head back"

"hahaha, sure" he agreed, letting go of me, we both headed back to our table seeing fire prince with bonnibel...where's finn?

"whoa.whoa.whoa~, what's with the pink aura I can see coming out of you two!" I teased as marshall and I hovered in a sitting position beside them.

"what?~" bonnibel asked curiously, with a frown in her face

"hey princey, one at a time dude. one at a time" marshall teased fire prince making him growl at him

"what do you mean?!"  fire prince asked Marshall as he stood up arming his right hand with a fireball. 'he's cool~'

"SWEET MOTHER OF--!!,calm down fire prince, their just teasing" bonnibel said calmly as she held his right hand and putted it down

"no bonnibel, you calm down" I said making her growl, "so where's Finn?" I asked her

"(sigh), he's with fP,I think their cool now" she said half-heartedly

"oh, you okay?" I started to comfort her, "yeah, I'm fine. it's what's best for him, I even feel relieved that their cool with each other" she say giving me a big smile making me smile back

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