Chapter seventeen

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Bonnibel's p.o.v

Back in marshmellowy meadow, flame prince invited me to take a stroll. After we walked for a couple minutes we sat on the ground, resting. I looked back at the group, finding them playing around with a strawberry then I noticed that the grass started to dry out, burning. I quickly stood up and tried to sit where there's no fire. I don't want to put out the fire, I might hurt him.

"is everything okay?" he asked, looking up at me

"yeah, just looking for a place to sit on"

"s-sorry...if I'm such a burden" he said, starting to cower

"no, your not a burden. it's just in your nature!" I comforted him, tapping his shoulder but not too long  to burn myself.

"princess?, d-do you like me?!" he asked, stammering in a suppressed manner, making my cheeks feel hot. 'I actually him, maybe a crush?. uck...I don't know!. maybe that's not even what he meant', I frowned, not knowing what I'm thinking anymore.

"of course I like you!" I said plainly, making him lit up brightly.

"you do?!" he asked

"yes, I do!" I said, then he started muttering something

"what?!" I asked him, making him shake his head. We sat in there for another couple minutes when I heard a loud sound. I turned my head, seeing gumball all beat up and Marshall standing right in front of him. 'Ooh looks like there's a petty love-triangle in here'. I giggled, looking away and continued talking with Fp. As we returned, gumball was still unconscious, so we only took off when he woke up.


Flame prince's p.o.v

I went to marceline's after the day we had a hangout, I want to ask for some advices about courting stuffs. marceline's a close friend of Bubblegum, I think. Well she's a girl, she should know what to do!. I knocked on her door, then she slowly opened it. I greeted her making her greet back.

"hey~" marceline greeted, raising a hand. "what are you doing here?"

"I just wanna ask for advices..y-you know....about courting" I said awkwardly, rubbing my temple

"hey!~,I'm not gonna help you pick up on chicks!!" she shouted angrily, crossing her hand in her chest and leaning on her door

"please, I'm not really gonna pick up on chicks, just one!"

"ooh~, so who does our pricey want to flirt with?" she said more calmly now

"B-bubblegum!!" I blurted out, rubbing my temple

"come on, Fp, a brainlord like bonnie?, you'd be bored in her for about...a week!"  she said making me frown a little

"but if you say so.. you know~, what girls love more than fun is excitement!, she needs to feel her blood pumped, man!..she needs to be chased BY WOLVES!!" she said eagerly with a big evil grin forming on her face.

"umm...I know what your plotting lady!, no, seriously...what should I do?"

"uh..huh!, um...I don't really know..why not, right a song for her or something?" she said plainly

"anything else?"

"flowers? date? coffee?, bout, dinner by a lake or somewhere...romantic?" she suggested, unsure of what she's saying

"that's great!, a date!, by the lake. that's a good idea!, I'll try everything!" I exclaimed excitedly, rushing outside, quickly looking for flambo. I was near the fire kingdom, when I saw him playing around with some fire people.

"flambo!" I called him

"oh, flame prince..what can I do for you?" he asked

"um..can you cast a flame shield on me?"

"yup, with pleasure!!" he casted a flame shield on me that would last for a day and a half. I went on my way and bought some stuffs, I need for tomorrow.


Bubblegum's p.o.v

I woke up early today, feeling the tips of my fingers turning cold. I rubbed my hands, keeping it warm. Then a knock on the door startled me, making my drowsiness disappear. The door creeked open, seeing peppermint butler with a tray of tea in his hands, he placed it in the table in my balcony outside.

"your tea princess!" he exclaimed as he went out of my room. I putted my baby pink robe on then headed outside for a cup of tea.


After I took a shower, I headed in my lab when the door banged open, making me shriek.

"AHH!!" I shouted, turning to the door, 'oh it's just flame prince', we bacame really close to each other these past days that they were here. He would normally visit me here and hangout.

"ow!, that was some ear-piercing shout!" he said turning his head from right to left then nudging me

"flame prince, what are you doing here?, look all..bluey" I said examining him carefully

"oh, I had flambo cast a flame shield on me!, what are you doing?, a-are you free today?"

"sure, um.. yup I am" I said wiping some lab equipments

"can we go out? somewhere?" he asked casually yet looking all nervous. I nodded making him smile at me, as I smiled back.

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