Chapter twelve

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Marshall's p o.v

The four of us just sat in our table waiting for the party to end, while fionna's with gumball---'not depressed anymore huh'.

"so who's better, fionna, fP or pB?" I started wondering so I asked him

"no one marshall!, I don't know." he said reluctantly, I was about to say something when he cut me off, "it wasn't my fault I was left with the girl, the three of you left me here." he explained

"and the fire girl?"

"she, was a friend. we only talked about Finn when we were left" he said when fP and Finn started to walk towards us looking a little more gleeful than earlier

"hey Finn!" marceline greeted, giving him a fist bump

"so Finn are you okay now?" bubblegum asked

"yup, I'm better like a pregnant lady!" Finn yelled

"how's that being better?" I asked him

"I don't know, but I'm feeling better!" he yelled again making fP giggle, it'll be midnight in an hour. This is the first time I didn't walk out in a party. As the people started to go, Finn ,marceline, me and the others are the only people left and only got separated outside the kingdom with the chariot bubblegum sent us.


(near finn's house)

"hey marshall, look outside the window. you see that!?" she said raising an eyebrow. we're actually in the same chariot cause I insisted to bring her home before I'm sent to Aaa

"yeah, you mean finn and fP?" I asked, she nodded. as I look at them they started to hug each other, then after a minute they were kissing a stone.'weird, but not really'

"yup, and fire prince, he's kinda cool don't you think?" she giggled turning to me, 'where's fire prince anyway?, I can't see him on sight'

"I don't know!, I'm not into guys. how would I know!" I said in a rough tone turning to the window, "since when did you even got interested in guys?" I muttered but she still heard me

"I'm just kidding! why are you even angry?"

"no reason!, oh were here! why don't you...get out!" I said as I pushed her out

"hey!, what's your problem!" she shouted pulling my sleeve,.making me fall to the ground, while the chariot suddenly left

"why'd you pull me out!!?"

"it was your fault!, ugh! I'm outta here" she mumbled angrily

"why'd the chariot even left" I muttered to myself, "Marcy!, wait" I flew after her in the house, as I reached her deck she quickly closed her door, locking it.

"marcy!, open up"

"just..just go away!" she shouted enough for me to hear outside, as I heard her plop in her couch

"fine, I'll see you tomorrow. firefly!"

"shut up" she said playfully as she slowly opened her door, taking a glance at me as I left. I smirked at myself, seeing her look at me go.


Marceline's p.o.v

That ball was tiring!, but I like it, at least I got to hangout with them. I was curled up in my couch, my face buried in my arms and my heels were scattered on the floor when I started to pick myself up and flew to the bathroom. Turning the shower on, I quickly undressed myself from the dress I wore and slipped in the tub, dried my hair then went to sleep.


it's been a week since the ball, as for marshall, he..come to my house to tease me or hang out with me, even I go to his house. yesterday I went to finn's house then to fionna's, bonnibel also visited them yesterday so I got to see her.

"hey marsh! do you have any albums around here?" I asked him from his room as I started to rummage into his dresser.

"GLOB! what are you doing in my dresser?" he asked  flying towards me

"nothing~, I was digging into your stuff and found three albums" I said plainly raising the albums, with a playful smirk on my face. I flew in his bed and plopped on it, with my belly down and propped myself with an elbow.

"what album are those?" he asked hovering in the air next to me then crossing his legs. As I open the album I saw his pictures when he was fifteen I think.

"ooh~, you look cool in this picture, look!" I exclaimed pointing at it, only making him chuckle, "what?"

"since when did you see me cool?"

"you don't, just in this picture!" I teased, sticking my tongue out.

After a few minutes I finished scanning the two albums, I reached for the third one. I opened it and, how unlucky for him, I opened an album that I know he totally don't want to look at. I turned my head looking at him, I didn't notice he was laying beside me, 'is he sleeping?'.

I took my chances and scooted closer to him then took a glance if he really is. 'yup, he is. Maybe I shouldn't look at it in his back.(sigh) Maybe just a peek?, no!. must keep myself busy ' I quickly hovered and flew down to his kitchen hoping I won't wake him up.

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