Chapter 1

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Is it morning already? I think to myself while my alarm goes off.
Where the fuck am i? I don't recognise this place. The walls are blue and i'm in a kingsized bed.

I have pretty bad hungover and i feel like shit. I notice a boy slepping next to me. I don't know who this is. I'm probably at his place.

I don't remember how i got here, i actually don't remember anything from last night. How drunk was i?
Last thing i remember is dancing in the club with some guy, not this guy tho. I hope that he doesn't wake up before i leave.

I put on my clothes from last night. My navy blue croptop, black ripped jeans, leather jacked and combat boots. I look at the mirror to see my smudged makeup, dark circles under my eyes and messy potato brown hair. I have freckles on my sun kissed skin. Wow, i look like shit. What the hell am i going to say to my mother? You know what? I don't fucking care.
Let's go home bitch.

The boy in the bed wakes up and smirks at me.

"Good morning beautiful!"
He says. Shit, i hoped that i could leave before he wakes up. And is he blind? I'm so ugly right now. Horny bastard.

"Morning" i said casually.

"Already leaving?"

"Yeah" i answer shortly hoping that he'll let me go now.

"Will we ever meet again?"

"I don't think so ... Pete?" i say trying to quess his name.

"Bob. My name is Bob"
"I'm just going to go" i tell him smugly and leave.

I'm so fucking relieved that i hadn't left my motorcycle to the club. God i love the feeling, when i'm driving with my deathbike. I love when wind brushes my hair, the speed, the control, it feels like freedom.

Unfortunately it ends when i'm home or school. I need to pretend to be a good girl or my freedom ends forever. Well when that happens i'll probably run away or something like that.

I usually hide my motorcycle in my neighbours' house. She honestly doesn't mind. Her name is Lily and she is onlyone who i trust.

I sneak into my house, luckily my parents aren't home, but my stepbrother is. His name is Matt and he's the hottest guy in our school. It was actually his idea for me to pretend that i'm a nerd and noone can know that he's my stepbrother.

I quickly change my clothes into large T-shirt and jeans to hide my rockin' body and i remove my makeup. I brush my hair and tie them into high ponytail.

I walk into Matts' room, big mistake.

"Whoa, damn Matt! Can't you lock the door? Who's this?" I ask my brother while looking at a blond chick under the blanket.

"Can't you knock? And this is..."

"I'm Cordelia" the girl says.
Well it seems like me and my stepbrother both have a problem with remembering names. I feel bad for this girl. She's all over my brother and she even doesn't have a chance with him, well only for sex.

"But some clothes on! You have 5 mins to get ready!" i shout to my brother while walking to kitchen to make myself some coffee.

"So who did you screw last night?" Matt asks me while we're driving to school.

"Do you really expect me to answer that?" I laugh.
His eyes darken and his expression becomes serious.

"If something happens to you i would be really unhappy."

"Wow, what a saint!" I say sarcastically.

"I'm your brother after all." He says, slightly spitting the word 'brother' out.

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