Chapter 18

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It's been a week since i drove away.

It was supposed to be a small getaway, a tiny ride to relax my mind. This ride ideed cleared my head, making me decide to search for Perlarosa personally. I went to Parker and started to develop a plan how to destroy them.

Within a week the gangs calmed down and many smaller gangs left the city, giving up the search to find Adolph Mussolini's killer.

It was a good plan to leave, so the people who i care about would be a bit safer. This timecap created distance between us and i hope that Jack mistakes the distance as mutal hate, so he won't hurt them. Who am i kidding? Jack's not stupid, i wish he was.

"Trix, i have a theory!" Parker notifies me.

"Shoot!" Parker watches me weirdly and pulls out a gun, pointing it at my forehead. "Not literally, you idiot. Honestly you should go out more often!" I furrow my eyebrows. "Oh." His face goes red from embarrassment.

"So what do you have?" I ask him.

"Well i got some information about  Robin Quins. He's 17, like you said. He was indeed killed by Perlarosa gang. He's sister is Carol Quins, who is the right hand of ..." i cut Parker off, before he finishes.

"Tell me something i don't know, he was my best friend's brother after all. You idiot!" I scoff.

"Wait! I'm not your best friend?" Parker asks faking hurt.

"Parker, don't fucking test my patience!" I warn him, rubbing my temples.

"Okay, take it easy! So he was interrogated to get information about Mussolini's death, the question is why did they interrogate him? It wasn't to affect you, because you met her sister the same night as he died. It wasn't because he was in the gang, simply because he didn't have high enough position to know the details. So why to interrogate him?" Parker thinks.

I actually thought about the same thing earlier. It just doesn't make sence, unless...

"Are you saying that he witnessed the murder?" My eyes widen. I'm pretty sure that there were no witnesses but this is the only explanation.

"Maybe he didn't but the Perlarosa gang might have thought that he did." Parker calculates.

"Jack knows that i killed him, that i killed his father. Power is not the only reason why he searched for the killer. Now he has three reasons to kill me: for our past, for revenge of his daddy and for the position i should have if the gangs wouldn't want to kill me." I rub the bridge of my nose tiredly.

Why the fuck does the gangs have so difficult system? It simply doesn't make sense.

How the hell did i get here? It's actually a huge surprise that i kill bad people and a ton of gangsters want me dead for that, but when i kill one single person unintentionally then a war begins, even people who i care about want me dead.

My life is a fucking fairytale sprinkled with unicorn poop. Don't forget the shiny rainbow!

"I'm going back!" I notify Parker.

"Girl, you are suicidal! I'm not the one to stop you but if things go too and shoot to kill!" Parker says darkly.

"Every time i shoot it's with the intention to kill." I scoff. Did he really tell that to a hitman? All my shots are 100% fatal, i'm that accurate.

"Even when it means murdering your loved ones?" Parker asks.

I stop and look over my shoulder, connecting my eyes with Parker. My eyes are cold and suddenly i know why Parker needed to remind me that.

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