Chapter 32

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I look at my room for the last time. It seems empty without my things. When i moved in here, i knew that it wouldn't be for long. I was a guest here afterall. But i didn't know that i wouldn't only leave this room and house behind, that instead i'm leaving my friends, this city, my cafe and even my parents' graves.

I visited their graves last night, they were beautiful. Matt has taken care for their last resting place and i couldn't be more proud to be his sister. No longer i feel the need for the word 'step' in front of sister. He's done more than i could have ever wished for, more than i could have ever do for him.

I walk down the stairs towards the living room, where the most important people in my life are waiting. I smile sadly and clutch my backpack harder against the shoulder.

"So this is it? At least we got your number and you have ours, so we can keep in touch." Matt asks sniffing. He wraps me into a bear hug and squeeze me tightly.

"Yeah." I choke back my tears. I gave them the wrong number. I decided to let go completely until coming back. Parker is the only one to have my true contacts, because he promised to keep watch on these amazing people and call me if they are in trouble. They don't even know my destination. Actually i don't either, i asked Parker to buy me a random plane ticket.

I let go of Matt and hug Carol, who's eyes are puffy and red from crying. I feel bad, i know that i'm the first best friend after a long time and now i'm leaving.

"I'm still your best friend, even if we wouldn't talk for years." I laugh sadly, knowing that i'm not joking about that, but they can't know about that or i would never be able to leave.

"Of course, you doofus. Hey, i even invented you a nickname. You must come back soon, so we could do all these cliche stuff bff's in the movies do."

I don't say anything and move to Demian. I don't hug him, because things are still tense. I hold my arm out for him to take.

"Peace?" I ask.

"Peace." He shakes my arm and gives me a small smile.

I move to Jace, who is looking at me thoughtfully. He tries to smile, but it seems forced. I step closer and hug him. He hugs me tightly and once again a small memory flashes in front of my eyes. It's a memory about me and Jack stargazing, laughing and suddenly Jack kissing me. This memory is so positive and stands out by far from the other ones.

I look up at Jace, i push my fingers in his hear and prod his head downwards. I kiss him passionately. He seems surprised, but kisses back with great need. Remembering that we have company, we detach from each other.

"When does your flight go?" Jace asks.

"In an hour. I must go so i wouldn't be late." I clutch my backpack and walk to the door, look at them one last time.

"Goodbye. I'll be back!" I say the cliche line, knowing that it might not be true. I walk away not looking back, because it would make leaving ten times more difficult.

I sit in a taxi and we speed towards the airport.


Jace's POV

She left, but that's okay, i can get over it.

I mean she was just a fling. The protectiveness before was just because she was in danger, nothing more.

But why does my heart ace so much then?

Well, i do like her. Yea, that's it. She is quite attractive and she has a fierce personality.

Also her amazing laugh that makes my heart speed faster. And her cute frustration when she couldn't figure something out.

I don't like the thought that she is going to be thousands of miles away from me and that i can't see her beautiful eyes every day. I also don't like that i can't see her smile when she wakes up in the morning.... and kiss her whenever i want....


I'm in love with her and i'm letting her leave right now.

I glance at my watch on my right wrist. I can't literally understand people who wear their handwatch on their left wrist when they are right handed, it's so weird. Off the topic.
The watch shows that the person i apparently love is leaving the country in half an hour. I stand quickly and race to the door, my speed leaving even Usain Bolt to shame. I reach my car in no time and speed towards the airport.

Unfortunately my speeding caught the attention of police and i have to pull over. The officer gets out of the car. His every movement seems exceptionally slow today. I tap the wheel impatiently and roll down the window. The officer reaches the window. I quickly hand him my Id, not bothering to wait for his demand.
He looks at me in surprise but checks the Id nonetheless.

"Damn it, just give me the ticket already." I huff impatiently. Usually people believe that mobsters bribe all law enforcement, but the truth is that you need to understand people by one look, to know if they take bribe or not. If you misjudge, you can get into serious trouble and being noticed by the police is the last thing mobsters want.

After a while i get the ticket and continue my drive, this time in speedlimits. I'm praying to god that i reach her in time.

I run through the airport doors, towards the info desk. The lady behind it smiles at me brightly.

"What can i do for you, sir?" She asks politely.

"The flight 621, which way?" I ask hurriedly. The lady nods and checks her computer.

"I'm sorry sir, but the plane just took off. Do you want to buy a new ticket to Mexico?" She asks. Mexico? Trix told us a different destination. If she lied about that then this flight isn't the right one either.

"Are you completely sure that this flight was to Mexico?" I ask hopefully, trying to fool myself. The lady frowns and rechecks.

"Yes, sir. Is there a problem?"

I don't bother to answer, instead i walk away, immediately taking out the phone and calling the number Tiger gave us.

"The number you are trying to reach, is not in use...." the monotone voice says in the phone. I curse and run fingers through my hair. I can't believe she just... left, without any contacts. I can't even call any detectives to find her, because i have no idea where she is. I don't even know which continent she is going to.

She left, not even knowing that she had held my heart, that now is completely shattered. 


This is the ending chapter, but i'll write an epilogue. So this means that i won't leave it completely like that. At least i think i won't.

It has been a long road and i can not believe i'm ending this. I have mixed emotions and i don't know if i should be happy or sad.

I'm so happy that i have loyal readers like you, because if you read this, it probably means that you read the whole book.... or you have a weird fetish for author notes.

Thank you guys so frickin' much!

-Trashy psycho☠

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