Chapter 15

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I used to be in a gang. I was about 11 or 12 years old when i first saw this side of the world. How does a girl that young and fragile get involved in gang business?

I found gang through Jack, he is one year older than me. Jack's father was a gang leader, so was Demi's, they are half brothers through their father. Their dad wanted Jack to be the next leader of the gang, so he trained him.
We all got involved eventually: me, Jack, Demian and Rose.

I found myself hating that life, i hated that business, i hated the things they made us do, i hated the things they did to us.

Things got difficult when Demi left. Rose died, Jack escaped and i got out of the gang. It's almost impossible to get out of a gang. You can only leave in a bodybag, so it's a miracle that i got out.

But like they say: old habits die hard.

I'm not in a gang anymore but i still do things as i did in business. In gangs you have special assignments what are only meant for you, us four were all hitmen.

The problem was that when i got out, i started to miss it. Call me a psychopath if you want but i enjoyed the control, the power when people beg you to not kill them or when they were arrogant and mocked me. It was a pleasure to watch how the bullet pierced their heads knowing that they deserved it.

I decided to do what i do best, what i escaped from in the first place.

It's time for you to meet the real me. My name is Bellatrix Williams and i'm a professional assassin.

Noone knows about my current specialty. Demi, Jack and now Jace and Carol know that i used to be in a gang. One of them even wants to kill me for it. Actually they all want to kill me, just three of them don't know it yet.

I hid my secret job well until i ruined it by killing the wrong man by accident. A professional like me kills by accident and not any man, The most feared gang leader in the country and who also happens to be Demian's father.

I load my gun while skimming the file in front of me. My employer Parker called me earlier notifying me about a new task. He left this file in our secret hiding spot. It was difficult to get out of this house and back, but i made it, yay.

I have to kill a 23 year old man named Sebastian Thomson. There's a picture of him attached to the file, he's quite attractive with his messy dark curls and green piercing eyes. What a waste. It seems like i have to kill him because he stole some money from important people.

Usually clients don't have to report why they want to get someone killed, but i refuse to work for them without knowing their reasons. They choose specifically me for the task cause i'm discreet, i don't leave a mess, i always finish the job and i'm the best.

I put the file and my weapons in my innocent looking backpack. I always carry some extra weapons, i even have one hidden in my bra.
I place my gun in the back of my waistband making sure that my jacket covers it up. I'm ready to go.

I sneak out of my room and rush down the stairs, when i reach the final steps i hear voices coming from the living room. Demian must have visitors.

I lean closer to the door to listen their talk. I'm kind of a creep, i know. I lose my balance and fall on the ground. No, actually i didn't trip, the floor looked sad so i decided to give it a hug. The voices stop immediately. Shoot, so much of a sneak out.

Four people come out of the room and two heads peek from behind the door. I only know Demian and Jace, i'm not familiar with the other four.

"And where do you think you are going?" Jace asks with raised eyebrow, he crosses his hands over his chest.

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