Chapter 22

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I try to open my eyes but my eyelids are too heavy to open. My head is pounding and i feel a cold weight holding my wrists behind my back. I'm probably handcuffed to the chair.

Pulling myself together, i force my eyes open. I blink a few times before my sight becomes clear. I shift on the metal chair to relieve the stiffness in my muscles.

I observe my surroundings. It looks like i'm in the middle of a basement. A bright lightbulb hangs from the ceiling just above my head. The lightbulb is the only source of light, so i can barely make out the walls from the darkness around the room.

You are probably wondering how i got here. I'll give you a short review.

It all happened yesterday at the parking lot, when...


"You! You killed him! Because of you my brother is now dead!" She spits. My eyes widen and guilt consumes me.

"Carol.." I start but she cuts me off.

"No! Don't you dare! They tortured me and i thought that they were the monsters, i hated them, him!" Carol pointed at Jack, who's watching us with amusement. "They forced me watch a video about how my brother confessed who killed Mussolini, how he died. He was so beaten up and when they pressed a gun on his temple... Alfred cared for us but you killed him. You got my brother dead! You are the real monster!" She screams with mild disgust.

God, she is brainwashed.

I didn't kill his brother, i didn't kidnap her or torture her, it was all Jack. I didn't kill Alfred Mussolini on purpose, it's not my fault that he wasn't wearing a reflector.

For the first time in a while i feel that i'm not the bad guy. Well actually i am but that's not what i mean. Usually when people blame someone, those who were blamed feel guilty and they start to think that they really did something wrong. But when Carol yelled at me i realised that it's actually not all my fault.

"Carol, you might not realise right now what you are telling but go home, where it's safe. Once you calm down and realise the truth, i'm long gone. You might feel guilty that these were your last words to me and some other stuff, like why did you let this exchange happen but listen to me now carefully.

"I never regretted exchanging my life with yours. I will never blame you. It's not my fault that your brother is dead and Alfred's death was an unfortunate accident. I never took your last words to me seriously. And ... I love you. You are my best friend and i know that you will feel the same once you sober up. Now go home and wait for the guys to wake up, if they already haven't." I tell her. She looks at me with rage.

"Fuck you!" She hisses and walks away, dragging her damaged foot behind.

Those words were necessary. I can't afford to let her blame herself when she realises that the only thing i did wrong was to accidentally kill Alfred Mussolini.

I turn to smirking Jack, who is barely keeping his posture to not burst out with laughter.

"Okay, i had my entertainment and now it's time for business." He claps his hands together.

I feel a hard object hitting the back of my head, knocking me out cold.

Flashback end

I pull my wrist to understand how tight the handcuffs are, they are quite tight and i'm sure that they will leave nasty red marks on my wrists. It doesn't matter anyway, i'm practically dead meat.

The door slams open and the devil himself steps in the room. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Ahh, you're finally awake. I already worried that Russel killed you. You're a heavy sleeper, you know that right?" Jack chuckles. He stops in front of me, grabs my chin forcing it upwards, so i'm looking him straight in the eye.

"Such a beauty. Too bad that i have to ruin your pretty face." He chuckles darkly, turning away.

A man enters the room with a bag, it's not difficult to guess what's inside. He drags a metal table from the corner of the room, making this disturbing screeching noise, a shiver runs down my spine. He places the bag on top of the table and leaves the room.

Jack takes his time to open the bag and take out the torture devices, laying them out on the cold table.

"You have no idea how long i have waited for this moment! I'm so exited!" Jack looks at me over his shoulder, his grin is enthusiastic, looking like a fat kid in a candy shop. It would be cute if it didn't hold murderous intentions.

"Can't wait!" I cheer sarcastically, smiling widely.

Jack turns around and raises his hands above his head, while looking at the ceiling. "And it speaks!"

"It?" I ask, raising an eyebrow in question.

"Oh, you don't deserve to be classified as a human." He says with a genuine smile.

Wow, i've dropped low.

He takes the first torturing devise and inspects it with fake interest. He throws it in the air and catches it with ease. His eyes move to me with a mischievous glint.

"Shall we begin?"


This chapter was shorter than i usually write but i decided that i end this part here, because the next chapter is probably going to be in Mike's or Jace's POV.

Sorry that i haven't updated for a while. I finally can write what i want but i need to rearrange some thoughts to make it work.

I hope you haven't given up on this book and please, pleeaaasse share your thoughts with me, if you enjoy vote!

-Trashy psycho☠

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