Chapter 25

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Trix's POV

My head is pounding, it feels like my skull is collapsing under great pressure. My limbs are weak and hurting, i want this ace to stop, i want to fall asleep again but i know it won't happen. With huge volition i open my eyes. The lights blind me immediately and i blink several times to get used to it.

The room is quite large. The walls are blue and i'm lying on the bed with black and white covers. I don't really care about how this room looks, all i care about is that i don't recognize it and i don't remember how i got here. I would try to get out of this bed and investigate but i know that my legs won't be able to carry my bodyweight.

Should i call for somebody? Surely i'm not here alone, right?

"Emmm... I'm awake! Is anybody here?!" I shout. I stay still for a moment and try to listen. No sounds are heard. "This is stupid, i should.." i mumble before i hear footsteps nearing the door. My breath hitches as they stop behind my door.

The door opens and all too familiar person walks in. My heart skips a beat as soon as i recognize him. It's not surprising to see him but it is surprising to see him in this form.

"Jack? You.. you..look... a bit.. what?" I stutter.

Jack stands next to the bed proudly. He is taller than i last remembered and more masculine and handsome. He looks older. His baby face is completely gone. His smile is the only thing that hasn't changed. Well except his gorgeous dark eyes.

"You are awake. You can't even understand how worried i was!" He kneels down and wraps his muscular arms around me.

"J-jack, what happened? Why do you look so.. so old?" I ask, something wet striking down my cheek. It feels foreign and unfamiliar.

"I'm not old. Don't you remember?"


"You had to kill one dangerous man but you were ambushed and they took you, they tortured you. They injected you something and y-you died. Your heart stopped beating, Trix! We managed to resuscitate you but do you know how it felt? We almost lost you!" Jack speaks quietly, his voice failing him in the end. He hugs me tighter if that's even possible.

"I don't remember even getting that task. How long ago was that?"

"What's the last thing you remember?" Jack asks uncertainly. He looks nervous despite the effort to hide it.

"Well, we went to the carnival with you, Demian and Rose. It feels like yesterday. I won this huge pink teddy bear, i loved the size of it but the colour disturbed me and you promised to repaint it. Demian screamed like a little girl when we were in horror house." I laugh and again it feels strange. The corners of my mouth are pulled up and it feels like i haven't done that for a while. Jack observes me strangely.

"Trix, this happened a long time ago. A lot has happened, are you sure that this is the last thing you remember?" Jack ask uncertainly. The smile on my face fades. A long time ago? But it feels like it was yesterday, i remember almost every single detail about that day.

"How long?" I ask slightly panicking. "How long Jack?" I ask a bit louder. He looks sad.

"It was about three years ago, maybe more maybe less." Jack says quietly, avoiding my gaze.

"Three years? Three years! How old am i?" I ask in terror. It just can't be!

"You are 17." Jack murmurs. I can't believe it.

"You are saying that i have miraculously forgotten three years of my life and you are saying that i'm still in business? It can't be, i have always wanted to get out. No.. it's just..." I let tears flow down my face. I have always wanted to get out of business eventually. Jack knew it, Demian and Rose knew it. Why am i still involved?

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