Chapter 19

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Jace's POV

The story Trix told us, told me, was affecting me and now i can't figure out what i'm feeling.

My emotions are confusing, I can't figure out if i'm angry, sad or happy.

Maybe i'm feeling them all at once.

Angry about what that bastard did to her, what she had felt. Angry that she was always alone, noone knew about this. She had to live in fear for so long and noone wasn't alert to protect her.

Sad that this all become to much for Trix to handle, which caused her suicide attempt. I can only imagine how Matt found her, lying in a pool of blood. This image in my head makes me feel powerless. I'm sad that i hadn't met her before it all went down. I was also Demian's childhood friend and he sometimes talked about her, but i never had a chance to meet her. If i had met her earlier maybe, just maybe things would have ended differently.

I'm happy that she finally trusted me enough to tell me her reasons, why's she's so cold, why she never shared anything about her, why she doesn't trust anybody. I'm glad that her walls are crushing down and she's opening up to me.

I need to take her somewhere, where she can relax and forget about her problems, even if it's just for a second.

I walk upstairs, straight to her room. I don't bother to knock, so i storm right into her room. As i step in, the first thing i notice is Bellatrix, wrapped in a white towel. Her body is glistening and her hair are wet. Her collarbones and shoulders are bare, so are her legs. Her skin is pale and gentle. I can only imagine how her skin must feel, how my fingers trace her delicate body.

I gulp audibly and she snaps her eyes at me. Her eyes are as blue as some exotic sea. Her eyes darken, her emotionless face not wavering.

Dirty thoughts invade my mind. I imagine how i forcefully press my lips against hers, how she moans my name, how she brushes her hands through my hair, how...

"What do you want?" Trix's cold voice snaps me out of my thoughts. She's not shy like any other girl would be in this situation, maybe i'm just hanging out with the wrong girls or maybe she's something unique. 

"Ee..ehem....we're going out. You have about 15 minutes to get ready." I notify her, my voice coming out raspy. She raises an eyebrow at me in a questioning manner.

"No we are not, i have better to do!" She says confidently.

"Like what? You're not leaving the house without escort anyway, so what  might be better than hanging out with me?" I smirk.

"Anything really and did you know that if i want, i can get out of this house in the matter of seconds, without anyone noticing." She states.

"Whatever, you have 12 minutes to get ready, tick tock, the clock is ticking!" I tell her, ready to leave. But not before i let my eyes roam over her body shamelessly.

"You look great like that by the way, you would look even better without the towel, on top of my bed, screaming my name, while i....." i stop for a moment, to lock my eyes with her. " get the thrill. Don't you Tiger?" I smirk at her unbelievered state and walk out of her bedroom.


Exactly 11 and half minutes later Trix exits the house and walks towards me.

She's wearing black combat boots, black ripped jeans, white crop top and leather jacket. Her hair are slightly messy. She looks hot.

"Done checking me out?" She asks.

"Almost." I answer and let my eyes roam over her body one more time. "Okay, done!"

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