Chapter 2

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I get home without any other problems. I hate school with all the emotions i have left. I really need to study if i want to keep my 'good girl' reputation, i just want to pull a match and light up all responsibilities and burn a few problems with them.

Good news is that i'm going out tonight.

I drink my marvelous coffee and get ready. I but on my black tanktop, ripped jeans and my signature leather jacket, i also can't forget my combat boots.

I really want to go to club, but i heard that one rebellious guy has an awesome party so i'll just go and check it out. I've been to many 'bad boy' parties, but they have been crap and they think alot about themselves  because they stole a few wallets from old ladies, like seriously!


Wow, this place is really nice. It's a really huge white house. I mean it's literally a fucking mannsion, with several balconies and a huge garden. This party is definitely going to be interesting.

There're a lot of people and the smell of boose is all over the room and i'm still in the hallway.

I see an open bar and i just go and get a drink.

"Give me two shots" i say to the bartender.

"And who are you?" He asks curiously.

Now i look at him more closely. He has deep ocean blue eyes, seriously i could drown in them. He also has dark hair, he's wearing a black t-shirt. His muscles are covered with tattoos, what go slightly up his neck.

In one word, he's hot.

"Just do your job and give me my fucking drink" i say. He chuckles, clearly ammused.

"Watch your mouth sweetheart, it may cause you some trouble one day."
He smirks at me.

"I still can't see my drink. Move your ass and change that unfortunate situation!" I snapp. He's eyes flash with anger or was it something else, but he quickly hides it behind his gorgeos smirk.

"You clearly don't know who i am, do you?"

"Couldn't care less." I'm getting tired of this conversation, i just want my bloody drink. Is it too much to ask?

"Seriously who are you, are you from another planet or something?" He asks with fake seriousness.

"Well i quess i can't get my drink from here so i'll just go to the club or something." I start to move away from the bar when someone grabs my hand. You can quess 10 times who this is. Yeap, it's the bartender who won't leave me alone.

"What now? Want to apologise?" I ask sarcastically.

"I was hoping that you would apologise." He says with smirk still attached to his face.

"You wish." I shake his hand off my wrist and walk out of the house.

I hop on my motorbike, but before i can drive off someone blocks my way.

"You have 3 seconds before you are crashed by my bike!" He doesn't even flinch when i move about a meter forward to prove my point.

"I'm not afraid of you bitch!" He says.

"Well you should, cause you're a jerk and my hand is a little bit shaky today." I drive about 10-15 cm more forward.

"You know that if i find you, you will have to pay for things you said and threatened to do." He says coldly.

"Aww..did i hurt your feelings?" I smile sweetly. Surprisingly he stepps aside from the road.

"You're warned!" He says seriously.

"Dude someone but the curtains to fire" i hear behind me.

"Insurance will cover it." He says without turning eyes of me. Damn, it's his house, his party. My day couldn't get any better.

I'm not in the mood for club right now, so i just drive away from here.
I need to feel wind on the lonely roads, i need to feel freedom, because this is the only thing left that makes me feel anything.

When i drive, it's like all emotions hit you like a truck, i feel everything. I feel how much i hate my ex, school, i also miss love, i even don't remember how love feels like. I'm sad because i'm fake, unable to be real.

I know that a lot of people want to loose these emotions, to be numb, but i want and need them.

Someone walks on the road, i notice him too late and hit him. I flee off my motorcycle and hit the ground hard. It's going to leave a massive bruise on my hip and some other places. Am i really thinking about my bruises when i just freaking hit someone?

I suddenly hear heavy breathing. I get up and walk to the guy i just hit. He's about 40+ years old, he's covered with blood. There's absolutely no way that he could survive.

No, no! This can't be happening.
He looks at me and then he stops breathing, the life is drawn out from his sad glassed eyes. The tension leaves his body. He's dead and i just made that happen. What have i done?

I search his pockets, i don't have any idea why. I find a cellphone, i quickly put it in my pocket. I need to leave before someone finds me. I start to check the ground, to see if i dropped something or left any other evidence of me being there. The phone starts ringing.

I take my phone to see who it is but... my phone isn't ringing. Fuck, it's his phone. I pick it up and someone starts talking.

"Hey Adolph, are you on the way?"
I'm shocked, what am i going to do now?

"H-hi" i shutter.

"Who's this?" The voice from the phone becomes serious.

"H-he's dead...i'm so sorry." Why am i apologising? I even don't feel sad.

"When i find you, i will torture you and then i'll kill you slowly. Believe me, when i say, that you'll beg me to kill you!" The call ended. Shit! I clean phone from my fingerprints and then throw it far away into the woods.

I'm a control freak, i must always have things under control. And if i let go of the leashes i don't know how to react. I feel hopeless and i don't feel the power over my life anymore, i scream in frustration.

One thing is to kill someone who is bad and guilty, but the other thing is to kill innocent who was unable to protect himself. FUCK

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