Author Note

5.2K 82 18

So ... you read the book.

And some of you liked it...

Good for you!

First, I would like to apologize for grammar mistakes, since the story is properly unedited.

Secondly, I have had many requests for a sequel and to be honest, I never even considered it! BUT now I'm going to write a SEQUEL or rather a side story, where Bellatrix is not the main character. The story would be about Jack, it would be good, so no hate!

In order to write a so called side story I need to know the questions that are unanswered, SO PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT ASPECTS I NEED TO TURN ATTENTION TO AND WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW.
(Capital letters because who the hell reads author notes)

Thank you so much for not giving up on the story. 60k is a lot of reads.

Kind regards,
Trashy psycho 😜

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