Chapter 21

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Trix POV

Today i realised something. I'm beginning to feel again. Not much but enough to notice.

When Jace took me to a road trip, he opened my eyes. I finally saw that the world isn't as dark as it seems, that there is a lot of beauty out there. You just need to find your own version of happiness. Your own fairy tale.

I'm feeling again. My emotions are barely there but i can make out the difference. I feel a little bit more than i used to, just a little.

I feel responsibility over my family. I know that they all are able to protect themselves but i can't help it. I care for them.

I feel happier but crushed knowing that this happiness is soon gone. Jack will destroy it or i will.

I'm a bit angry, because people don't believe in me. They act like i'm a child or a ticking bomb, afraid that i'm going to explode. I can't blame them though, even i don't trust myself. But i'm definitely not going to explode, not yet anyway.

The worst feeling of them all has also returned, fear. I'm so terrified of the future. I don't care about myself, i care about what's left behind when i am gone.

I'm terrified of myself. I'm so unpredictable that even i don't know what i'm about to do. I make irrational and impulsive decisions, not thinking about the consequences. This will one day kill me and hurt others.

I don't mind dying, we all will one day. I already know that i will die through my rash decisions.

Now when i'm starting to feel again, i'm afraid that i'm going to subconsciously make decisions based on my feelings. We all know that this is never a good sign.

My phone buzzes in my back pocket. I fish it out and open it. An unknown number has sent me a video. I already know that this is not going to be a cute cat video. I hit the play button and a few familiar faces greet me.

The sight in the video is disturbing. Carol is tied to the chair, her hair is a mess, her face is bruised and bloody, her clothes are soaked with crimson blood. Jack is standing behind her, pulling her hair, so she is facing the camera. He's holding a knife onto her throat and he is fucking smirking. I have never wanted to break his pretty face so bad than i do now.

"I have your lovely best friend, she honestly reminds me of your last one. She was also feisty with a foul mouth. This one here throws better punches though. Shall we repeat the history, Bella my dearest?" Jack grins, it's repulsing. My name has never sounded so horrible than it does now.

"Now, i expect to see you in our place on Wednesday, March 14th, at 10 pm. I know how you love Wednesdays, so i decided to cheer you up a little. I give you the opportunity to switch places with her. Come alone or she dies, try something and she dies." At that point i'm fuming with rage, how dare he?

"Oh and Bella....if you don't show up she dies and..." he makes a dramatic pause and his grin widens threateningly, resembling grinch. "...i'll share your dirty little secret with your amazing friends, so they shred you appart, instead of me!" With that, the video ends and the screen goes black.

I'm so frustrated. Today is Tuesday and tomorrow is Wednesday. God, i hate Wednesdays, they are always busy and in the middle of the week and nothing goes right on Wednesdays.

"GUYS!" I shout, my voice is loud and strong enough to notify the whole house. I storm into the living room, almost falling down the stairs.

All the guys rush into the living room, all alert. Matt has a towel wrapped around the lower half of his body, i quickly divert my gaze. He has lived here since our house was destroyed. He refused to let me live here alone after this all went down.

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