Chapter 7

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  My mind is racing with unbelievable speed, how am i going to trick myself out of this mess? Think Trix, think!

One of them grabs my shoulder, i try to fight him off, but the other guy gets a strong hold of me. If i apologise, would it help? They have huge egos so i guess it would help, but mine is bigger so i won't apologise. Fuck, i hate losing control, but it still keeps happening to me.

"Is there a problem?" I hear a feminine voice. A beautiful girl is standing in front of us. She has shiny long dark hair and she has a bit tanned skin. Lets just say that she is gorgeous.

"Everything is fine, right sweetie?" The scarface says.

"No i'm not! I would like a drink with you!" I say to the girl with a sweet smile.

"Don't you mind, hun?" I ask the scarface, he grits his teeth. Damn, i'm clever!

"We really need to go home now!" He tries to look calm, but his eyes are in flames of rage.

"You don't tell me what to do! Let me go or i'll cause a scandal! And then we are done!" I try my best to look angry, he gets the message and lets me go.

I walk to the girl and shake her hand.

"My name is Trix, what's yours?" I ask.

"My name's Carol. Let's get away before these shitheads come up to something!" She whispers the last part.

We sit down in bar, Carol doesn't seem like a typical girl. I'm a bit intrigued about her.

"So what did you do to earn these guys attention?" She asks with a smirk appearing on her face.

"I refused to sleep with an idiot." I think for a moment and then ask:

"Am i really that bad of an actor? I mean, did you knew, that we weren't actually dating?" I ask her and she laughs.

"You were about to get killed and all you worry about are your acting skills?"

"And you got some balls to interfere! I didn't have a change to thank you, so Thank you!" I point out. Damn, i like her.

"You seem like a fun girl, want to hangout sometime?" She suggest.

"Of course, i'll give you my number and please call! It would be nice to have a friend like you." I give her my number.

"Well, i have to go or my stepbrother will never leave me alone again!" I smile at her, while looking at my phone. Matt has called me 4 tines already.


I enter the house, i smell lots of pizza. I LOVE PIZZA!

I run to the living room confronting Matt and his dear friends. He looks at me, he's not happy at all.

"Where were you? Why didn't pick up the phone?" He didn't even say 'hi' or 'welcome back my dear stepsister'. 

"Hi to you too!" I'm about to take a slice of pizza, but Matt has other thoughts. He moves the box with pizza away from me.

One thing is to bore me with his stupid accusations but the other thing is to mess with my food. I think i'm going to kill him, but i'm too hungry to dig a grave for him, so i have no other choice to let him talk.

"Is she your girlfriend Matt? You never told me that you had one!" One of his friends asks.

I laugh out loudly, i'm literally on the floor gasping for air between my laughts.

"No she is not!" Matt says seriously looking at me, he has no chill whatsoever.

"Okay, give me this pizza right now or i'm going to slice you into little pieces and your friends will help me dig a grave for you!" I say trying to be serious.

"Answer me first! Where were you?"

"Hanging out with my friend! And believe me, she'll come here and kick your ass when she hears that you won't give me my pizza!" I believe that i'm not joking on this one, she would kick his ass.

"I don't like your friends, who are capable to kick my ass!"

"Such a baby!" I push him, he didn't expect that and i quickly grabbed my pizza.

"Noone messes with my pizza!" I take a huge bite of this cheesy pepperoni pizza and damn, it's good.

I finish my pizza, i immediately feel how tired i really am. I get up on go to bed.

I soon fall asleep.

My phone starts ringing waking me up, i groan. I grab my phone, it's literally 2:06 in the morning. I don't recognise this number, but i pick it up anyway.

"Hm..hello?" I yawn.

"Are you Trix?" Someone asks.

"Yea, who's this?"

"Emm, i'm Carol." She says, her voice is a bit off.

"Oh hi, is everything okay? Why are you calling me this early?" I ask.

"I just needed to talk to someone. Can i talk to you in person?"

"Yea, of course! Are you coming here?" I ask, i'm a bit sad that my sleep was disturbed, but i do owe her.

"Give me your address and i'll come over." She says. I give her my address and go downstairs to wait her.
Mom and Tom are in somekind of conference, so i can afford to get visitors.

I hear a knock on the door and open it, as expected it was Carol. Her eyes look a bit teary, if it would be darker than you wouldn't even notice that.

"Come in!" I lead her inside to the couch. We sit down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

"My brother was killed today. Just a few hours ago." She handles her grief extremely well, but i know how it feels like to be in emotional pain. At first you deny it, think that it's not that bad. And then it hits you.

"I would say sorry, but you don't seem like a person who's looking for my pity." I confess. She laughs, i think that we're going to be good friends at some point.

"I knew that it was a good idea to come here. You understand me!" She smiles.

"Want pizza?" I ask.

"Stupid question. Of course i want some pizza!" She smiles. The more she talks, the more i like her.

"I'll order some!"

We chat for a while until the front door burst open. Three armed guys walk inside with full confidence. They are dressed in dark clothes and their faces are plain cold.

It's about 3:16 and they decide to just storm inside like they own the place. Not in my freaking house!

I'm about to speak up when Matt steps in the living room, he looks at me, Carol and the armed fellows.

"What are you doing in my house!" He roars coldly.

I don't know if i should be scared for him or for the intruders. Or i should be scared for myself?

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