Chapter 23

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Jace's POV

I groan loudly at the alarm clock, it doesn't shut up. Even funnier part is that i don't have one. I usually get up early, around 5 o'clock in the mornings, so i have never had the need for an alarm clock. So why the f*ck is there one in my room.

I open my eyes and look around. It's dark outside which shocks me. Even if i did put an alarm, why at night.

I looked at the time, it's 11 pm. Why was i even sleeping?

And then it hit me. I was asleep while Jack was patiently waiting for Trix to show up. I pray to the god that she was smart enough to stay here. The threading feeling in my chest grew with every passing second. She wasn't that stupid, was she?

I turn around swiftly and bolt to the door. I noticed something yellow in the corner of my eye. I turn back and notice a yellow sticky note next to the ridiculous Barbie alarm clock.

I pick it up and read it. I don't believe at the words and stare at them blankly. I reread the note a few more times and stare at the note for a few more minutes, hoping that the words will swirl away and morph into something more pleasing. The note said:

So i kind of went to meet Jack. No worries, i'll handle it just fine. Carol should be home soon and if she is not, i left the note with an address on the freezer. The alarm clock also served the purpose to take care of Carol. 
If you are hungry i left some pizza on the kitchen table. If you don't like pineapple on the pizza, too bad ,suck it up and eat the freackin' pizza!

By one and only Tiger.

The meaning behind the words finally  dawn to me. I rush out of my room and yell everyone to wake up. Can you believe this girl. She literally drugged two mob bosses and some of their most trusted men. If it was anyone else, we would already be dead.

Matt comes out of the room sleepily. I can't blame him, i'm also feeling the effects of the drug. Damn, what did Tiger give us?

"Trix is gone!" I yell as i run past him towards the kitchen.

I grab the note from the freezer and run to the door. I stop and walk two step backwards. I take a slice of cheesy pizza and storm out the door. Hey, i'm a grown ass man, i need food.

I wait in the living room for the others. I'm not that stupid to go there alone. They are probably not even there anymore but i need to start with finding Carol.

Matt storms in the room, pulling T-shirt over his head and stumbling over his feet. The panic in his face can't go unnoticed. He's a mess.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Matt rushes. I shake my head at him.

"Let's wait for Demian. He wants to hear about the mess his brother has made, again." I brush my hands through my hair in frustration. Why does life have to be so difficult. I would love to have quiet life but nooo, my father had to decide my future and make me a mafia boss. And i let him because i wanted him to be proud, i was sadly mistaken. He was a psychopath, a narcissist and he only cared for himself. It was foolish of me not to see it and now i'm stuck in this position. I love being a mobster but it is too stressful.

Sometimes i wonder who i would have become, if i wasn't what i'm now. Maybe an astronomer, a singer, a teacher or even a police officer? So many possibilities but it doesn't matter now.

My thoughts are interrupted by the front door banging closed. I pull out my gun and run to the front door. My father's first rule was to always be prepared. Ironic isn't it? My father is long gone but i still wish to make him proud.

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