Chapter 10

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All eyes are on me and my opponent, we are walking together to the fighting ring. I can't wait to beat up this motherfucker. I want to ruin his pretty face. Yea, he has a long scar running over his face, but otherwise he's quite attractive. Too bad that his personality sucks.

Antonio grabs my wrist, he isn't in the best mood.

"He's someone really dangerous. Don't fight him!" He warned.

"I'm not scared! I'll beat this motherfucker up for personal matters anyway." I pull my wrist away and step into the ring.

"Trix? Why are you in the ring with him?" I hear someone speak, it's Jace fucking Daniels.

"We're about to fight." I answer him in a 'duh' tone.

"No! You are not! Do you have any idea who this is? Come out of the ring!" He orders me. Why is everyone trying to stop me? I'm badass! I can beat everyone, yeah, i'm not ashamed of my ego.

"Or what?" I challenge him.

"I'll call your boyfriend!" He threatens .

"First, are you a kindergartner . And second, he's not my boyfriend!" I yell.

"This man there.." he points at the scarface, who smirks knowingly ".. deals with sexslave trafficking!" He says calmly.

"Oh i'm aware of that!" I smirk, Jace clenches his jaw and tenses understanding what i just said.

The bell rings, notifying that the fight has stared. We start circling, i find a few minor weaknesses, i hope that's all i need. He hits first, i block it. But damn me, he hits hard. I punch his face more than once. I hear the satisfying sound of his nose breaking. He smirks, what the fuck? He throws a combo on my abdomen. It hurts bad, but i hide it behind my poker face. He punches me again a few times across my face, my lip is broken and bloody, there will be a bruise on my eye.
I hit him with all i got and a few hits later his face finds the ground. I sit on top of him and keep punching. The bell rings as i win. The strange part is that scarface is grinning at me.

"Damn, boss was right, you have become feisty!" He whispers me. What? I thought that he was the boss. I hate being wrong. Wait, his boss knows me! That can't be good.

"Trix!" I turn around and see furious Matt, his got anger issues. I should call a psychiatrist for him.

"That's my name when i last checked." I smile sweetly.

"Who called you by the way?" I ask curiously.

"I did!" Jace says walking toward us, Carol with him. Is Carol in his kartell? Why i'm not surprised.

"Why were you fighting with a man who tried to rape you?" Carol asks. Antonio and guys stop talking next to Matt and stare at us now. Carol got their attention.

"I needed to teach him a lesson?" I shrug. Jace stiffenes visibly.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous his gang is?" Matt yells. His? That's not right.

"It's not his gang. He's not the leader!" I'm surprised that they didn't already know that.

"How do you know?" Jace asks.

"Oh he told me something like 'my boss was right, you are feisty', whatever that means" i shrug.

"That's it Trix, i'm packing you in a bubblewrap and lock you in the basement. You're not leaving the house without an escort ever again!" Matt says matter of factly. Guys, i think he's not joking.

"But moooom!" I whine. Carol laughs at us.

"If you try to leave the house without me or anyone else i trust then you'll wake up with no hair. I know how you love your hair!" Really? Should this stop me?

"Touch my hair and i'll make sure you won't wake up at all!" I threaten, i'm serious. Jace lets out a laugh, Matt looks at him angrily.

"You're literally a gang leader and you can't even control a little girl." Antonio points out.

"She's not a little girl.." Matt tries to defend himself.

"Thank you! That also means that i can handle myself."

"That's it! Antonio you're the first one to guard my stepsister!" Matt says annoyed. Antonio, Jace and other are surprised. Why.. oh, they didn't know that i was his stepsister.

"Stepsister? You're not dating?" Antonio asks. Matt shoots him 'touch her and i'll kill you' expression.

"I can help guarding her if you like!" Jace smirks. Matt will never let that happen.

"Okay, we may need some help, especially when gangs like Perlarosa are in town. But if something happens to her, you're dead!" Matt says. What? He actually says yes? He's out of his damn mind.

Jace is smirking at me, Matt of course sees that, he doesn't look happy at all. He just had to ask for help from his main enemy.

"Perlarosa? I have heard that before." I think that to myself, but obviously others heard that.

"Where? It took us a lot of work to even know that gang exists" Matt narrows his eyes.

"I don't know! It's late, let's go home."
Everyone agreed to that.

Antonio, boys, Jace and Carol came over. We are drinking and now we are playing 'truth or dare'.

"Truth or dare" Antonio asks Carol.

"Truth" Carol says without hesitation.

"I dare you to kiss Matt!" He wiggles his eyebrows. Carol smirks as Matt's in shock. She leans closer to Matt but quickly pulls away. She grabs the bottle and drinks. Soon it's Jaces' turn.
He smiles.

"Trix, Truth or dare!"

"Truth!" I say.

"What's your deepest secret?" He asks. Matt's glaring at me, he has seen the part of it, but he doesn't know the whole story. I'm drunk, but not that drunk.

"There're alot, but i'm not drunk enough to tell." I grab a vodka bottle and chug, i know that i drank a lot when the bottle is pulled away from my hand. The room starts spinning. Jace is holding the bottle, trying to figure me out.

"Damn, you got some dark secret when you drink that much!" Roland says.
I look at Jace and give him a drunk smile.

"Your c-cute!" I hiccup and grin. Matt gets up.

"You're drunk and you're going to sleep." He notifies me.

"If Rose was here, he wouldn't make me go to bed." I giggle. Matt froze, he looks at me for a moment and sits next to me. Jace stares at me curiously.

"I hope that you do understand that she's never coming back!" Matt's careful, but i'm too drunk to take him seriously.

"Per la rosa!" I raise the bottle and drink.

"What did you say?" Jace asks immediately. Now everyone is looking at me.

"You h-heard me!" I hiccup.

"You just randomly said that?" Jace asks.

"What?" I hear his words but i can't but them together in my head.

"Perlarosa. Why did you say that?" He interrogates me.

"I miss her!" I say. Matt throws me over his shoulder, he's unmistakably sad.

"Shhh...You need to sleep!" Matt says, Jace wants to say something but Matt shakes his head as 'no'.

"You can all stay!" Matt says and turns to the stairs.

I'm carried to my bed, but my eyelids close before Matt has a change to put me under the covers.


This chapter surprised me. I'm sorry if i jump from one activity to the other or when i don't give enough details. I try to write better and i really hope that you like my storyline.

- Trashy Psycho ☠

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