Chapter 9

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I was woken up by the arguing downstairs. I groan as i roll myself out of bed, i really want to sleep more, but i know that's not going to happen. I need to check that Matt and Carol doesn't kill each other, i really don't know how these people solve fights.

I brush my teeth and face, ignoring the mirror, i already know that i have dark circles under my eyes, from lack of sleep. I pull a gray hoodie over my head and put on my comfortable sweatpants. I tie my hair into messy bun.

I walk downstairs seeing Matt and Carol pointing guns at each other. They are staring at each other intensely and quietly, i wonder who wins the staring competition or that who will pull the trigger first.

I walk past them to the kitchen, completely ignoring them. They both break the eyecontact and look at me, their guns still in place.

"You're awake!" Matt says clearly surprised. Weird.

"I didn't know you had eyes, i quess you learn something every day!" I smirked. Carol grins.

"You two idiots woke me up with your shouting! Of course i'm awake, it would be wrong to assume otherwise!" I take a sip from my coffee i just made.

"You're not even bothered that we are pointing guns at each other?" Carol burst out.

"I don't care if one of you decides to kill the other, but you should know that i'm not helping to hide the body!" I say it as a simple fact.

"You don't care if i got killed?" Matt asks not trying to hide his disappointment.

"It would be all your fault, you know the risks!" I answer his question around the corner.

"Well i'm going out now, let me know when you two are finished with this, it's your decision to decide how it ends. I'm staying out of this." I'm actually really curious to know what they're arguing about, but i keep my mouth shut.

I'm most definitely going fighting today, there must be new people there. I'm really excited and can't wait for it. I would go now but it's a bit early. What should i do in the mean time? I'll ride my bike, that's it! I haven't raced for a while, so i'll race. It's early for that too but i'm sure i can find someone to compete with.

I find a parking lot where a few cars and motorbikes have gathered, surely i wasn't the onlyone who wanted to race. There are boys gathered around one car. I guess it would be wrong to call them boys, they look about 20 or so. One of them notices me.

"What is a girl like you doing in the place like this? The guys asks, all the eyes snap at me.

"Looking for a good race!" I grin.

"Sweetie, you know that it's dangerous right? You could seriously hurt yourself!" He smiles.

"Are you afraid to lose?" I ask arrogant smirk widening on my face. His eyes flash.

"Who's the best driver around here?" I ask.

"Antoinio!" The guy calls someone not turning eyes away from me.

"What?" I hear someone ask annoyedly.

"Someone here is challenging you!"

A guy steps out of a car. He has dirty blonde hair and dark eyes. He looks strong, but not over trained. His eyes find mine. I recognise him as one of Matts' friends, he doesn't remember me though.

"What is a whore doing here?" He asks curiously.

"Challenging you, my friend." The other guy says. Antonio smirks with amusement.

"So you think that you can beat me?"

"No, i know i will! Do you want to lose in a motorcycle or a car race?" I ask returning a smirk.

"You seem confident, don't worry it will go away after you lose or hurt yourself. We'll take bikes! Luke will give you his."

I smirk, is he really offering me a bike? What does he think i came here with? A taxi? I hop on my bike, Antonios eyes lock on my bike, he looks a bit impressed.

"That's yours? Nice ride!" He smirks.

"Less talking, more driving!" He's starting to annoy me.

Ready, set..Go! The race begins. I let Antonio think that he's leading the race, by letting him in front of me. As we reach the curve i drift past him with full speed. I pull a wheelie, not letting the speed drop. As i reach the finish line i end the race with a burnout.

Everyone stares at me with a shock, Antonio is right behind me. He's smiling.

"We have a new best driver!" He calls out. What? He's not even slightly angry that he lost his position.

"So what's your name, new girl?"

"Trix!" I smile, it's definitely an unexpected turn.

"Nice to meet you Trix! As you already figured my name is Antonio, these are Luke, Spike, Roland and Ben." He introduces me to everyone.

"Nice to meet you too! Emm, i kind of need to go! But you can join me if you want!" I shrug.

"Where?" One of them asks, his name was Spike if i heard correctly. I smirk at his question.

"Don't worry, hun. I won't drag you into the woods to kill you. But now if i think about it, it wouldn't be that bad idea." Other boys laugh at my comment.

"I'm going to Alex." I say casually.

"Okay driving is one thing, but what the fuck are you doing there?" Ben asks.

"Picking flowers ya know." I smirk, these boys are so naive.

"If you want to come then follow me!" I drive off before they can answer, but soon they're following me.

I was right thinking that today Alex would be crowded. There are a lot of people. Most of them are men, but there are also a few women. They aren't fighting obviously, i'm the only female who fights, because other bitches run after their first fight.

I walk to the Frank at the bar. He has a lot of costumers. When he sees me he ditches his client and sights.

"You shouln't be here. Do you know how many of these guys want to obtain the title? Please leave!" He pegs sadly.

"No, they need to know what Trix is capable of!" I smirk. Frank breathes out heavily, he's eyes lock to the persons behind me.

"Antonio, it's been a while!" He's eyes look at me with a huge question mark, something like 'what are you doing with them'.

"Good to see you too, Frank!" Antonio says.

"Look! The champion's here!" Someone shouts from the crowd. Everyones' eyes find me. Antonio looks at me with disbelief.

"Nice to see you too, suckers! Missed ya!" I shout with a smile.

"I already got the attention, so, who wants to fight me?" I smirk, i know there will be a lot of people who want the title. There are a lot of volunteers, they all roar 'me', until someone steps in front of them. They all shut up, i guess he's the most important of them.

"Oh, i would've never guessed to see you out of all the people to be the champion." He smirks.

Antonio and the other guys next to me stiffen, they're not afraid like everyone else here, they're angry.

"Nice to see you again, scarface!" I smile, this is going to be one hell of a good fight.

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