Chapter 20

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Jaces' POV

Yesterday made me so happy. Trix has become to trust me, not much but the improvement is still there. She smiles a tiny bit more and i even heard her laugh. The life in her eyes is returning. I myself feel a little more normal.

Now back to the reality. There has been no improvement in Adolph case. Dead end after dead end. We did find out that Perlarosa gang takes this pretty seriously and that they got some valuable information from Carols' brother, that's why he's dead.

"Bro, i feel awful for Carol. His brother died because of a stupid piece of information. I feel responsible over her. Her brother was her guardian and he died because he knew something about my dad..." Demian says with sympathy.

"You know, if she heard you right now you would be dead. I didn't choose a weakling to be my right hand. She is doing just fine and besides, when Matt game into view, she has been better." I smile. I only hope that Matt doesn't ruin her and she doesn't become soft.

"God, why don't we have any clues or something. Dad was run over by a motorbike. There must be something! We have time, place, gender of the killer, the corpse, we know the weapon. What else do we need?" Demian slams his fist on the table with anger. I know what he feels. He was extremely close with Pa. Pa was like a father to me. It angers me so much that the killer is still alive and missing.

"And Jack is still free." I think aloud. It's difficult to believe that one of your childhood best friends has become something so repulsing. I also have done these kind if things but never to a girl, never out of jealousy.

"I have loved Sprinkle a long time, i'm ready to kill my brother if i have to, so she would be safe." These are strong words coming from Demian. He also loves Jack but people change. It's difficult to hear that he lives Ttrix, i think that i'm catching feelings for her.

No, i can't let that happen.

I think that love is a weakness. Your enemies always find a way to use it against you. But sometimes you can't help it, it consumes you and you can only hope that nothing ruins it. But i already know better, it's only a matter of time when it happens.

I turn to leave but Demis' voice stops me. "I love Jack, you know. I wish that i could grieve with him. We both were extremely close to dad.

"When he found out that i was the one who slept with Sprinkle, he hated me for a while. This hate became mutual when i heard what he did to Rose and Bella." My heart tightens hearing that he has slept with Trix. Filthy images scroll through my head. They are extremely disturbing. I need to get my thoughts out of there. Luckily Demain continues.

"Jack and i were so fucking close. He never approved hurting women, i honestly don't know what happened to us. He was blinded by jealousy, betrayal and power but i still can't understand how it affected him so much.

"I used to look up to him, admire him. He was more mature and always down to earth. I miss him but i know that i can never get him back, i can never forgive him and he will never be the same boy again, never my brother again." Demian speaks with hatred and sadness. The grief powering his voice. His eyes hold coldness but i know that they hide something deeper, something that he would concider as a weakness.

I feel sorry for him. I was also close to Jack but Demian and Jack had something special going on. A few years back it would have been outrageous to even think about those two hating each other. Funny how time changes things, people.

"Demian, everything will find it's solution. It might not be always good but at least we find peace from knowing. Right now we are scared, scared because we don't know the future, we don't know what will happen. But once things settle and we find answers, we will find peace!" I pat him on the shoulder and leave the room.

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