Chapter 16

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Alcohol, the cure for your problems, a drug for your pain and the medicine for your sadness.

Unfortunately this amazing liquid wants something in return. It's like a devil, you want a happy life for a while but in order to achieve that you need to give up your sanity and rational thinking, plus a bad hungover in the following morning of course.

I sit at the club, chugging down my third shot. Colourful lights are flashing, the room is filled with music and beat is bounding in your chest, not to mention these annoying people who are flirting with me and annoy me in every way possible.

I'm here to kill Sebastian Thomson, he's name sounds hot and he's hot. Why are hot guys always jerks, attracted to the other sex, are in relationship or criminals which i have to kill? I actually like bad guys, but not my targets.

I look at Sebastian, he's completely oblivious what's about to happen. His dark messy curls fall loosely on his face, he's wearing a white button-up shirt with two top buttons unattached and some dark blue jeans. He's so my type. Too bad that i love my job more.

I get up, my legs carry me towards the rebellious Sebastian Thomson. The file said that this fellow here is hard to kill, many have tried but unsucceeded. In my business when someone fails to do their jobs, their targets tend to kill them. So sad, Boo-Hoo.

Sebastian is extremely careful, so i can't just walk up to him. I need him to come to me and the best way to do that is to play with his manliness.

I choose to ignore him, but i'll make myself noticeable. I pass him a few times, flipping my hair and dropping something to bend down looking completely oblivious of his intensive glare. I flirt with almost every man in the club except him. I know that there are other easier approaches but this man is not an idiot.

I sway my hips as i pass him and walk to the bar. Sebastian sits right next to me, it was easier than i taught. I almost spiked my drink to get his attention, because men are attracted to the women who are helpless or wounded. They have a really weird psychology.

I move my ringfinger against my empty class, making a clinging noise between the class and my ring.

"May i buy you a drink?" Sebastian asks me. He swallowed my bait. I throw him one glance hiding my smile of victory.

"No, i'm good!" I refuse sweetly, making him loose his guard. At this point he knows that i'm harmless, think again!

"I insist! One Manhattan to the lady!" He flashes a million dollar smile. He probably thinks that he's already in my panties.

"Want to get away from here?" I ask, locking our eyes. It's a bold move from me since this guy is extremely paranoid, for a reason of course.

"We don't have to if you don't want it!" I quickly assure him nervously. I deserve an Oskar for good acting, i almost fool myself.

"No i want to!" Sebastian smirks.

We walk out of the doors. The cool breeze brushes my skin, making me shutter. Sebastian notices it and places his jacket on my shoulders. Such a gentleman, so my type.  Luckily he told his guards to leave him alone.

We turn around the corner and i press him against the wall. We make out in the alley. He is actually a great kisser. We would've made a great couple. I enjoy the kiss while it lasts, too bad that he needs to die now.

I take out my gun, silencer already attached. I press it against his abdomen and pull the trigger before he has a change to react. He falls to the ground, coughing blood. I watch him suffering. I could finish him right now but this death right here is extremely painful and slow. His eyes never leave mine. Few minutes later his gaze turns glassy and his coughing stops.

He didn't die from a bloodloss, he drowned in his blood. That's nasty.

I fish my pocket for a phone. Once i find it, i dial the number. "Parker it's done!" I say emotionlessly.

"Good! Send me the details for the report!" He answers. I end the call and turn around, stopping in my tracks as i see Jace casually leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. His blue eyes directed to me. He saw everything.

"Are you stalking me?" I ask. He doesn't reply and he's definitely not happy. He looks at the dead corpse and his eyes land back to me.

Jace pushes himself off the wall and walks to me. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards his car. I don't bother to resist. I'm in deep shit, that's for sure.

We sit in the car and i try so hard not to open the door and run away. This ride is going to be so awkward. Jace is tense and his knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel. The car is awfully quiet.

Jace stops the car in the side of the road. He turns to me, his eyes mirroring his feelings. He looks betrayed, why? What did i do now?

"Speak!" He demands.

"About what?" I ask innocently.

"Who do you work for? Don't play games with me anymore!" His eyes are dark, that's fascinating. Is he angry or something?

"I don't work for anybody!" It's the partial truth. He should've asked who do i work with.

"Are you in a gang? Why did you kill that man?" He asks.

"I only reply when you promise that you won't tell anybody, okay?" I say. "I promise!" He says. I instantly feel relieved.

"Okay. To answer your questions: no, i'm not in a gang anymore and i killed that man because i'm a professional assassin. I work for myself only but i do have some business partners. Happy now?" I finish, my voice cold and emotionless like usual. Jace looks at me darkly but doesn't say a single word.

He turns his face back to the road and starts the car. The rest of the ride was silent. We arrive back to the house, only to see a few people outside. My gaze instantly falls to the Demian. His posture is stiff, he's in his killer persona. I guess i messed up big this time.

I open the door and step out of the car. Demian instantly walks to me.

"Where were you?" Demian asks coldly, connecting our eyes. His eyes are shadowed by his fury. I hope that he didn't kill anyone with his wrath.

"In club. I'm not a prisoner, you know. I may come and go whenever i like." I reply with the same emotionless voice.

This sweet and innocent side of me had disappeared a long time ago, so i have no evil side to switch into like Demian and Jace have, i already am this cold persona. This is what you get when you trust someone too much and they decide that you are not worthy anymore.

"Sprinkle, if you ever do this again, i'll lock you up and then you can call yourself a prisoner!" Demian says. He never threats unless he means it. I know myself too well, so i know for sure that i'll sneak out again.

"Then i escape and i'll disappear for good. And if i fail to escape know this: i rather die than be a prisoner!" I look deeply into Demian's eyes. His eyes are filled with rage. He has no right to be angry at me.

He grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. I hit his back roughly. He walks to the house and brings me down to the basement. There are chains hanging from the ceiling, different weapons on the walls and a bed in the middle of the room. He throws me to the bed.

"You need to get punished for the things you said. Every time you say something like that again, you get punished. Every time you escape or leave without telling us, you get punished. Every time you disobey, you get punished. Got it?" He finishes his lecture. I already know how he'll punish me, i'm not overly happy about it.

He chains my hands to the railing of the bed. I struggle to get free but fail. Demian puts a tape over my mouth. He closes the door and turns to be with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Let's begin, shall we?" Demian says wickedly.

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