Chapter 26

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It's been one week since i woke up with memory loss. I still don't remember anything from the past three years. An empty feeling is scratching in the back of my mind , my brain is begging me to fill the lost time with knowledge what has happened. It feels lost, i feel lost.

Jack has been suspiciously gentle to me, as if he is scared that i break. Maybe it's because of what has happened. My gut in the other hand doesn't agree with my head, it's like an stubborn old man, who refuses to change it's morals and beliefs. Unfortunately stubborn old men are smart and they are usually right, i guess it's a good thing that my gut stays as a place that protects my organs and doesn't get a seat in my internal consciousness.

Today i asked Jack to take me to my coffee shop. I'm so exited, i can finally see a place that i can call as my own. I'm a huge critic on coffee, so if i have complimented this café, it must have one hell of a coffee.

"Okay, we are here." Jack stops the car and pulls the handbrake, while grinning at me. A smile stretches across my face as i watch Jack, he seems even more exited then i am.

I sigh as i push the door open and step out of the car. I immediately inspect my surroundings. Our car is parked in front of a small building. It is beautuful, made of red brick, the window and door frames are white and dark green.

"Shall we go inside or do you want to keep staring at it?" Jack asks jokingly. I walk half-confidently to the café and open the door. A welcoming bell rings as we step through the door. This tiny sound brings smile to my face, it feels so normal, so casual, so unimportant but for me it sounds like a perfect accord sang by angels. The interior of the shop is even better than it is outside. And again if anyone else stepped in here, they wouldn't take it as something special, for them it would be just a red house with coffee, tables and chairs, oh and the bell. But for me, it's everything, it's mine!

A young girl is sitting behind the counter, hearing the bell she looks up. "Good morning miss Winters!" She greets me with a smile. I look at her in astonishment, that is my mother's maiden name.

As if sensing my confusion, Jack leans near my ear. "You wanted to keep this place your safe heaven, so you didn't use you real last name." He smiles. I nod in understanding.


"Hi, it's a lovely place. Has it been renovated recently?" I ask politely. The girl gazes at me in question.

"Yes, an year ago. Actually you were the one who decided that this place needed an upgrade." The girl answers unsurely, as if she is scared that she misunderstood the question and embarrassed herself.

"I lost part of my memory recently and i don't remember this place. It is astonishing!" I smile.

"What happened?" She asks worried. This girl seems so gentle and innocent, no wonder that i didn't want my name to be connected to this place.

"I was... in an accident. But let's not talk about it. I heard that you have the best coffee, well actually i was the one who said it and Jack here reminded me this statement. I have to say, i don't give compliments out easily, so it must be something." I chuckle.

"The usual?"

"Emm... well it is my usual for a reason, isn't it, so yes please!" The girl gazes me in wonder.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Miranda." She smiles, her pearly whites full on display.

"My name is Bella." I introduce myself, assuming that she doesn't know my name or needs permission to use it, taking in consideration how she addressed me before. Jack starts violently coughing at that. I turn to him, immediately noticing his wide eyes and shocked face. Did i say something wrong?

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