Chapter 17

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The house is oddly quiet today. Demian is out with the boys, i have no idea where Jace is and apparently mama is visiting her relatives.

It's been a while since i've been alone. The past few weeks have been busy and loud, people buzzing around. School ain't any better either.

I should take the most of the situation.

I walk to the kitchen to get food. I'm a literal pig when it comes to food. I'm not the kind of girl who doesn't get fat from eating garbage food, i'm quite the opposite really. Luckily my busy lifestyle and work don't let me gain weight.

I hear a faint sound in the kitchen. There are two possible scenarios: first on is that someone is home afterall or the second one is that we are being robed.

I personally prefer the second one because i want to kick some ass for ruining my alone time.

I strengthen the grib of my swish army knife, don't even ask me why i'm holding one. I'm obsessed with knives and i'm usually playing with them when i'm alone. I always carry at least one pocket knife.

I enter the kitchen confidentially, becoming face to face with intruder, who's swinging a baseball bat at me. I duck right on time. I push her against the wall, my knife pressed tightly on her throat. It takes a second for my brain to register that 'the intruder' is Carol.

"Carol, what the hell?" I raise my voice. "I almost sliced you into tiny pieces and sent your remains to Cuba. It's not polite to attack other people." I remove my weapon from her throat.

"Sorry, i honestly thought that you were an intruder and acted on instinct." She apologizes sheepishly. I sigh and continue playing with my knife.

"That's the exact same thing i thought but i didn't attack you immediately. And where did you get that baseball bat from? Was it just randomly lying around on the kitchen counter?" I ask eyeing the bat. A knife is almost understandable but baseball bat...seriously?

"I love baseball bats, they are so convenient and cause a lot of damage on the beatings. I have two in my car, one at my motorcycle, don't even ask where i put it and i carry one around when i'm alone. Why are you carrying a knife and playing with it?" Now it's her turn to eye the knife twisting in my hands, bouncing up and down.

"I'm a knife lover, i even have one in my bra." I shrug. I take my time actually looking the state Carol is in. Her eyes look tired and sad, holding the greatness of grief.

"How are you holding up?" I ask remembering her dead brother. It's not long ago when she came to me crying about her brother's death. She couldn't even talk about it with me before we got interrupted.

"It's difficult but i try my best." She says with a faint voice.

"You can talk about it with me if you want." I suggest. She nods and sits down, i follow her lead.

"My brother's name was Robin, he was one year younger than me. He was the best brother i could ever want, i could always cry on his shoulder if i needed to and he listened my rant about boys and other stuff. Robin beat up all the people who dared to hurt me despite the fact that he was younger than me.

"We got in the gang business almost at the same time, i was the first one to join and when i gained troubles and finally told him about the gang, he joined immediately.

"The night when i met you was also the night when my brother died. The Perlarosa gang kidnapped him to get information about Adolph's death.
When i was saving you from the scarface, he was being tortured. When i was talking and drinking with you at the bar, Robin's head was pierced by a 6mm bullet." Carol's cheeks are flushed with huge crocodile tears, her eyes are red and buffy. It's clear that she's blaming herself.

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