Chapter 29

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Trix's POV

I sit behind kitchen counter, munching my delicious waffles while staring at a heated discussion. A guy, whose name apparently is Dave is having an argument with a girl named Amber. The tension is rising and so are their voices. It's getting more and more difficult to choose a side with all these scientific arguments. This topic is really important to our society and every good citizen should spend at least two hours pondering on it.

The argument is about wether robots would take over the world in ten years.

I know, it was difficult to choose the side for me too when i heard the topic. I feel like people don't think about it enough. And when it happens they will probably hate themselves for not preventing it. Robot awareness is important, people!

"We have control over robots, there is no way that they can take over the world!" Amber yells.

"But we improve our robots, so that they would be smarter than us. And when they are smarter than us, then they can rebuilt themselves and soon they will take over!" Dave yells back.

"They can not be smarter than us, Dave. We can not create something to be smarter than us! Knowledge must come somewhere and when we don't know the answers, then how the hell are we going to teach the robots things that even us don't understand?!" Amber throws arms in the air in frustration.

"Haven't you seen Transformers? Aliens provide us with all the knowledge that is needed!" Dave yells as if it's the most obvious answer ever.

I observe them in pure amusement. This argument started with a fight over tv remote, don't even dare to ask how they got from tv remote to robots  invading earth.

"We will see in ten years if i'm right but there is nothing to see, cause i already know the answer." Dave tells smugly, crossing his hands to prove a point. I'm not sure if i quite understand his logic.

"At least you got one part right, there will be nothing to see in ten years cause robots won't overpower us. You. Are. Wrong!" Amber smirks. Dave huffs and their argument dies much to my disappointment. It was so much better than those reality shows.

I should somehow restart their argument. It was fun to watch and quite frankly i am bored to hell and back. Jack doesn't let me help in his work, he lets me do only simple stuff but it doesn't fool me, something is definitely off. It seems like i have no purpose in gang business, so did Jack lie about me being being his co-leader? I'm going to investigate later but for now...

"Hey guys. Is it true that Israel uses animals to conduct espionage?" I ask, faking to be deep in thought. Their response is faster than Flash himself.

"Yes, of course, silly!" Amber replies laughing. While Dave grunts "No! It's unrealistic and idiotic!" They turn to each other and a new argument begins with a fiery passion.

"I need popcorn!" I come to realisation. I rush to make popcorn as fast as i can, so i wouldn't miss the show.

Their fight is getting louder and they are more determined to win. Dave and Amber are like cat and dog, but strangely they seem to fit together. Their ship is sailing slowly but surely. I can't wait to see how they discover that they like each other and have a new argument on wether their relationship would work. Yeah, this is definitely better than reality show.

"What the hell is going on here?" Jack's voice booms. I didn't even notice when Jack came in the room, it's actually quite understandable since i was distracted.

"She started it!" Dave points at Amber accusingly.

"No, he did!" Amber complains.

"What where you fighting about this time?" Jack sighs and rubs his temples.

"Unicorns are real!" Dave says. "Bloody deformed horses, they are going to become a problem in the future, i am telling ya!" Dave curses under his breath, his face set in a deep scowl. How the heck did they manage to come from Israel using animals for espionage to unicorns, UNICORNS for Christ sake.

Jack stares at the odd pair for a few seconds longer before turning to me, not bothering to deny Dave's statement.

"Popcorn? You are enjoying this, aren't you?" Jack asks and takes a handful of my popcorn.

"Maybe, i'm bored out of my mind. What else am i supposed to do?" I ask, shielding my popcorn from Jack. "You don't give me enough work, it seems like you were lying about my position in this gang." His face softens at my accusation.

"Love, i wasn't lying, i just wanted to give you time off from business since you have no memory about it." Jack says gently, but this time i look at him, really look at him. I recognize the look he used to give his father when we were about to sneak out, a look of lies. He's lying, but why? He used to be so proud how little he lied and tried avoid it as much as he could. So why is he lying?

"Jack, what are you not telling me?" I ask hesitantly.

"Nothing you should worry about." Jack brushes my question off like it's nothing. He has definitely changed. He does care about me but he has never withheld information from me before. A long time has passed from the times where we used to share everything with each other, well except from the part where i cheated on him. We both have changed a lot and i have no idea if it's a good thing. I barely even recognize the old Jack. I see it now, i had an illusion from the old Jack that i couldn't see the new one.

"Okay." I allow him to end the subject. 

A loud crash booms from the downstairs, making me flinch. Loud yells and gun shots eco from below us. Jack immediately calls somewhere.

"What's happening?" He asks seriously. He nods thoughtfully and ends the call hurriedly. He curses under his breath and pulls out a gun.
He turns back to me and grabs my arm, pulling me with him.

"Where are we going?" I ask worriedly, his sudden change of attitude can not be good. Jack doesn't answer my question and ignores my existence completely.

He opens a door and pushes me inside. I stare at him questionably.


"Stay here and shoot everybody who dares to enter the room except me, even if it's our own man. Got it?" His expression is grim, he doesn't wait for response. He hands me a gun and extra bullets. He closes the door and locks it. The click of a lock wakes me from my shock. I rush to the door and bang it.

"Jack, open the door! I'll help!" I shout, trying to kick the door open, which is quite idiotic since the door opens inwards.

"Stay!" Jack commands me and i hear hurried footsteps leaving the door.

"I'm not a dog, who you can command!" I yell, but he has already left me in ignorance.

I curse and rack my brain to find an answer to get out of the room. The gun shot get louder and faster and for the first time in my life, i want to obey Jack's command. I don't know what is going on down there but this time, i don't want to be a part of the action anymore.

Loud footsteps run up the stairs and i hear doors being kicked open. The footsteps come closer and i grip my gun tighter. My heartbeat is frantic and adrenaline floods in veins. The steps stop behind my door and i must be ready for everything.


Sorry again for late update but i had another exam. I got maximum points from it. Be proud!

Okay, i still need information about unanswered questions, that bother you, so please tell me what you want to read. I need the answers soon, so please be brave and tell me! I beg you on my knees...

This book has changed it's course a lot, maybe that's why i'm losing readers... who knows..

Anyway...Comment, vote and share, please? It would help me with motivation, because i'm running out of it.

See ya soon!

-Trashy psycho☠

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