Chapter 14

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*picture of Demian 🔝*

I'm moving in a gangster's house, can you imagine? It's nothing i haven't done before but this situation is unbelievably ironic.

I killed one of the most dangerous men in the world, every gang in the city is desperately trying to find me and i'm living in their home, eating their food, having casual conversations with other gangsters and they don't even think about the possibility of me being their target. What a fucked up world!

Demian's house is huge, i love it. It's a white mansion what has an underground garage, three floors, a large garden and a fountain! I have always liked water, beach and fountains, they are so peaceful.

Demian looks at me with adorable smirk, his appearance has changed a lot from the last time i saw him, he looks way hotter. Gladly his personality hasn't changed.

"So Demian, how's your mother?" I smile at him. His mother loves me or at least used to.

We are walking to the elevator from the underground garage. The garage is filled with sports cars, a few motorcycles and SUV's. Demi has a good taste in cars.

"She's good, i called her before and told that you are coming. She's very excited to see you again!" Demian grinned. Jace scoffs from behind us.

"And pa?" I ask him. His face drops immediately turning cold.

"He was killed some time ago, i'm surprised that you haven't heard." Demi's voice is low and cold. This is the kind of Demi that kills without hesitation, we both have this kind of persona hidden inside us. I'm not terrified of it like most girls are, i'm intrigued and quite frankly i like it, unless it holds pain.

"Oh i'm so sorry, he was a strong and rational man." I correct myself, his father was definitely not nice. Demi grins.

The doors open to the first floor. A woman in her 40s stand in front of the elevator. It's Mama, she hasn't changed at all but she does look sadder and angrier from grief. She loved Pa so much!

"Ma?" I ask her. Her black eyes drift to me and her face softens. I hug her tightly, she hugs me back. She's shorter than me so i have to bend myself a bit. Her amazing perfume seeks it's way into my nostrils, it smells good and it would calm anyone down.

"I'm sorry for Pa, Ma. I missed you!" I whisper into her ear.

"It's so good to see you Bella!" She hugs me tighter. She's the only one who can call me Bella with positive outcome.

She pulls back holding my shoulders to look at me.

"How's Jack?" She asks, oh she doesn't know. I realize that Jace is standing right behind me and that he couldn't know his name, fuck! Now he knows!

"Emm.. me and Jack broke up, we didn't work out." I say.

"Why? You were a perfect couple, we always thought that you were soulmates and get married one day." She says surprised. Demi shifts uncomfortably, i can't blame him.

Jack and i didn't belong together, we gave everyone the perfect couple act.  Yes, i loved him at the beginning of our relationship but i fell for someone else and soon the drama started.

"Mum, she must be tired! Don't bother her with your questions right now!" Demi says. I'm grateful that Demi decided to end this awkward conversation.

He and i are the only one alive who know what happened. Jack too of course, but soon enough he won't be alive much longer.

"Demi dear, please show Bella her new room!" Ma smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes. Grief has done terrible things to her.

Demi leads me upstairs to the quest room. It's beautiful. Demian smirks at me knowingly.

"Do you need anything else?" He asks me. I smile.

"No! I really did miss you Demi! You are the only one who always understands me!"

"And you understand me, sprinkle. You do know that i love you, right?" He asks.

"Our feelings are mutual." I press my lips against his. My actions surprise both of us. It's been a while since we kissed. We still have it, the sparks. The kiss is light and gentle, it's so refreshing.

"Dinner is ready!" Jace says from the door. I pull away from the kiss and look at him. He looks cold, emotionless. Jace looks like someone sliced his neck open and dropped his lifeless body in the dumpster behind the corner.

"Is everything alright?" I ask him concerned. He tightens his jaw.

"Everything's fine!" He says through gritted teeth. Something is wrong, i wish that he trusted me enough to tell me! In the other hand i haven't done anything to claim his trust. I must fix it somehow.

We walk to the dining room, the food is still not on the tables so i look around. There are photos on the wall. Most of them are about Demian.

One was taken when Demi was young, he has a million dollar smile on his face and he's playing football, it's adorable.

The next picture what i notice is a about me, Demi, Jack and Rose. Rose and I are looking directly at the camera, i'm holding hands with Jack and Demi is looking at me. I remember that day. We were 14 at the time, this was the day when Demi told me that he loved me. He didn't allow me to break up with Jack because of the gang, it would have caused drama and death. I continued to date Jack while i was secretly in a relationship with Demian. I was happy!

"Bella, come sit down to the table and eat!" Ma called, making me smile.

I was about to turn away from the wall when one specific picture grabs my eye. This picture has a black ribbon pulled over the edge of the frame. It's about Demian's father. I look at him and notice oddly familiar face, it's Alfred Mussolini. Did i kill Demi's dad? How did i not recognize him as Demi's father before? This explains the weird look in Alfred's eyes when he died, he recognized me.

I sit down in the table keeping my face neutral. I haven't regretted killing Alfred from the moment when i learned that he was in a gang. But now i do, i killed the father of the person i love. Demi can't know about this. He would kill me. Demian loves me but he would never hesitate to kill someone who hurts his family.

I'm fucked up.

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