Chapter 11

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I don't remember almost anything from yesterday! This hungover is killing me.

I take a quick shower and put on my loose shirt and sweatpants. I walk downstairs. Did Matt really let them all stay the night? Matt, Jace, Cordelia, Antonio, Spike, Roland, Ben and Luke are sitting on the couch watching Tv. They are literally all here!

"Morning!" I greet them.

"Look who finally woke up!" Luke speaks. He's loud, way too loud.

"Please don't shout!"

"Bad hangover huh?" Antonio yells purposefully. I groan.

"Do that one more time and you're dead!" I threaten.

"Oh please, you have never killed anybody!" Antonio says with a smug expression.

"Don't be so sure about that!" I mumble to myself, everyone hears me of course and all heads snap on me.

"Are you saying that you have killed anybody?" Jace interrogates me, is he in FBI or something?

"Not your business!"

"Oh come on! We are all in the gangs, you can talk to us!" Roland says.

"Let's drop this!" I walk to the kitchen. I really need to get some aspirin, my head is about to explode into million pieces.

Suddenly i'm pressed against the wall. I'm locked between someones firm  hands. I look up to see Jaces' gorgeous blue eyes. I'm trapped.

"You're full of secrets! Aren't you afraid that one day one of your secrets slip and all of them come down with a loud bang?" His voice is husky, his breath is brushing my skin. His eyes betray no emotions except curiosity.

"In that case i won't be alive long enough to meet the coinciguinces nor see the destruction." I answer him. He tilts his head to the left, trying to figure me out.

"I could protect you, but for that i need to know what's threatening you." His playful expression is suddenly switched into something else.

"My past." I end the conversation, he probably knows that he won't get anything else out of me, for now.

I place my hands on his chest and push him away. Jace doesn't brake the  glare and keeps his eyes firmly on me.
I pour myself a glass of water and take my aspirin. I swallow it down with water.

I hear a doorbell ringing. It's early, so naturally i'm curious to see who it is. Matt is already at the door speaking with a delivery guy.

"Oh Trix, it's for you." Matt says. I step past him and freeze. The delivery guy was holding a dark red rose and a note. I quickly grab them and walk to the couch. I sit down and stare at the rose. I can't force myself to open the letter, so i just stare at the red rose. Is it from him?

"Does Trix have a secret admirer?" Roland ask with a wide smirk appearing on his face. Everyone are in the room right now.

"I hope not or i need to beat someone up!" Matt warns. I don't bother to look away from the rose. I need to open the letter, it isn't from him, can't be. I tear the envelope open and take out the letter. I read it nervously.

I'm back, my love. I promise that you're wonderful life is changing into a living hell. Per la rosa!

I feel a hot tear on my cheek, i thought i have no emotions left. I was wrong, he's the only one that makes me feel, he makes me feel the flaming fear.

Everyone are speaking happily about me having a boyfriend and what would they do. Carol is the first one to notice my teary eyes.

"Trixy, what's wrong?" She asks carefully. I mentally smirk at the nickname. I try to fake a smile and hide the letter.

"Oh nothing, something just went in my eye." I try to keep cool. Matt notices the letter and grabs it away, before i have a change to argue. I get up trying to get the letter back before he reads it. It's too late for that.

He holds a hand up to keep me away while he reads. He skims the letter. He's eyes darken visibly and he looks up to me once he's finished reading.

"Do you know who sent this?" He ask with rage, not bothering to keep his voice low.

"Was it him? It's time to tell me his name!" He roars.

My stepbrother almost knows why i attempted suicide years ago. I told him the half truth. I told him that it was because of a boy who broke my heart and because of my best friends' sudden death. I didn't tell him his name because he would've done something stupid nor did i tell the whole story or he would've never let this go.

"Okay, it is from him, but it's nothing serious!" I protect my biggest fear. Matt can't find out what happened.

Jace grabs the letter away from him and reads it loudly. Everyone frowns.
Jace looks at me seriously.

"What does per la rosa mean?" He asks carefully. I can't hide this side of a secret anymore. Jace was right in the kitchen before. If i tell them one secret, every other secret i have come down with a loud bang. But i need to tell them this one, before these idiots use google translate and quickly connect the dots.

"It means: for Rose." I whisper. Matt tenses at the name. He's not a total idiot, ya know.

"What's your connection with the most dangerous gang in the whole fucking world? And who the fuck is Rose?" Jace asks me coldly.

"Their leader used to be my boyfriend and Rose was my best friend." I answer confidently, my voice icy and threatening.

"You didn't bother to tell me that your exboyfriend, the person who broke you into teeny tiny pieces, is the most feared person in the world?" Matt yells with rage.

"This interrogation is over and i need to go to school, thank you!" I say calmly. My fear has disappeared and replaced with confidence. I turn my back and walk up the stairs.

"You are not going to school, i won't let you. It's too dangerous!" Matt yells.
I turn around fiercely.

"I have protected myself for years, i don't need somekind of extreme measures because of a fucking letter and a rose!" I shout back. What else can Jack do? I'm already dead inside! And then it hits me, he can hurt people i care about! I'm utterly screwed!

"I agree to Matt, you're not going to school!" Jace says. He looks serious. Not caring about the thing they said i rush upstairs. I'm going to school and they aren't going to stop me.

I close my bedroom door and lock it. I change my clothes, nerdy as usual. I'm not going to describe my clothes, i'm pretty sure you know how nerdy looks like. I grab my backpack with books and open the window. Yes, i'm escaping by the window and no, i don't have a tree next to the house which i could use to escape. So, i need to jump. I mean it's the second floor, what's the worst what can happen?

I jump prepared for the drop. The ground hits me hard. My legs throb a little but i ignore it.

I head towards the school.


I must say that Trix is stubborn and does things completely opposite you want her to do. So where does her stubbornness lead her? We'll see..

-Trashy psycho ☠

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