Chapter 6

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It's pretty late, i walk quietly through the front door and tiptoe up the stairs. I don't need to worry about waking my mother up, she's a heavy sleeper.

It's Matt, who i don't want to talk right now. He goes to sleep pretty late and if he has suspicions that i have been  fighting, he won't go to bed until i'm home.

He's pretty laid back about his stepsisters' safety, i hope that you noticed the sarcasm in there.

I open my bedroom door, but before i could get inside..

"Let me guess, you were at Alex?" Matt asks calmly.

"Maybe? I got my title back!" I smile, waiting for approval, which i know is not coming.

"Are you seriously trying to say that you fought with that shithead again? He doesn't care that you're a girl, he could've hurt you really bad!" He whispers with anger, to not wake our parents up.

"And i beat him! Surprise!" I try to cheer him up.

"If you go there one more time, then.."

"Then what?" I don't let him finish. He stays quiet.

"That's what i thought." I snap and go to my room.

I'm not tired at all, who am i kidding? I'm always tired. I jump on my bed, not bothering to change my clothes.

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, my eyes are shifting and soon i thrift into deep sleep.


* i came in like a wrecking ball..*

I search for my phone to turn my alarm off. Why did i pick this song for my alarmclock?

I really hate mornings, i'm definitely not a morning person.

I change my clothes and walk in the kitchen. Mom, Matt and stepfather are already eating behind the table.

"Morning Bellatrix" my mother says. She and my stepfather are honestly the onlyones who call me by my full name.

"Morning" i mumble.

I look over at Matt, he completely ignores me. Such a crybaby.

I make some coffee and a toast. I sit behind the table. I start eating until i notice the first page of a newspaper that my stepfather is reading.

I almost choke from my coffee, damn, that would've been a lame death.

In the front page of the newspaper was a death declaration, with the picture of a man i killed.

Yeah, the front page.
These kind of news are never on the first page, unless the person is someone seriously important.

"Honey, is everything okay?" Mom asks me with a worried expression.
Even stepfather Tom lowers his newspaper to look at me. Matt only slightly pats my back.

"Yeah, i just remembered something, that's all." I give my parents a sweet smile. Well, Matt is not convinced, but he doesn't say anything.

I hurry upstairs, take my things and wait for my brother in the car.

Soon he opens the door and sits on the drivers seat. He's thinking about something for a moment, looking me curiously and rubbing his chin.

He looks at me like i'm a piece of cake and he's considering if eating me would ruin his diet.

"So what did you 'remember' so suddenly in the kitchen table?" Matt suddenly breaks the silence.

"Uh, nothing!" I shrug.

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