Chapter 5

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Jace pov

I look at her walking away, damn she's gorgeous even in these ridiculous clothes, but she's not my type tho.

I'm just intrigued by mysterious atmosphere that surrounds her. Like, she's badass, why the fuck is she hiding herself like that?

She can defend herself from the bullies. She almost kicked my ass last night, not sexually though.
But she just lets the bullying continue.

My phone's ringing.

Wow, 5 missed calls from Demi. I pick it up.

"J-Jace can you come here?" I hear him slightly crying, small panic is rising over me.

"Demi, what happened? Are you okay?" I ask calmly, i have never heard him crying before and he has been my best friend, since we were little. I'm 18 years old, so is he.

"Just come here, i explain here."

"Sure, where are you?" I ask. He says he's location and i hurry to my aluminium coloured 2014 chevy corvette.

Panic is taking over me. I have about million possible scenarios and i like none of them.

I drive as fast as i can.

I open the door and see both Demi and mama sitting on the couch, mama is crying and it seems like Demi has calmed down a little bit.

I sit in front of them, on the floor, i look at Demi, he has dirty blonde hair, dark brown almost black eyes, our body shapes are similar but his skin is a bit lighter than mine.

"What happened?" I try my best to stay calm, i don't want them to freak out even more.

Demi looks at me with his red puffy eyes.

"Papa Adolph is gone." He answers me sadly.

"What do you mean gone?" I already know the answer but i refuse to believe this.

Adolph, known as papa is the most powerful gangleader in the country, well, this can't be happening.

"Jace, he's dead. Someone drove over him with a motorbike last night, we found him a few hours later, he was so bloody, Jace. The bitch who did this just left him there!" Demi says, he's trying his best to not rise his voice in front of mama.

Papa was mamas' husband, Demi is their only son.

"How do you know, that the person who did this was a woman?" I ask carefully.

"Mickael called papa this night and a woman answered, she said that papa's dead and that she killed him. After that call we went to look for him, we thought that this was some kind of prank, but she had his phone after all. We found him thanks to his phone GPS."

"Jace, make her pay!" I hear mamas' weak voice, i look at her.

"I promise that i make this woman suffer. I'll kill her and Demi if you want, i'll let you torture her by yourself." Demi nods with agreement.

"I'm sorry for your loss!" I say to mama, my head lowered. I stand up and leave quietly.

Adolphs' death is a disaster. He was the most feared person in the country. 
He was the only one, who was capable to avoid war between gangs.

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