Chapter 30

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Jace's POV

I gaze at a humble house, it's quite large but it doesn't seek for attention. This house could fool everyone into thinking that some careless elderly people live in there but i know better. This is the building where traitor led us. This is the headquarters of Perlarosa.

"I found the old plans from the city archive, the underground tunnels are impressive. It's like a maze, so how do we get them all without stepping into the trap?" Jameson, one if my trackers ask. I take the a look at the map and think.

"We need to memorize the map, that's our best shot. And if i were Jack, i would keep weapons here, here and maybe here and here. When we attack, his men run straight for the weapons, so these are the places that we need to be wary about." I point to the places on the map. My men nod thoughtfully.

"We can't get them all, the tunnel gives them a lot of escape routes." Matt says. I asked Matt's gang for help, we still don't get along but he agreed to help us to save her sister.

"There's absolutely no need to kill them all. We need to kill the main guys and get Trix. This should be enough to make Perlarosa harmless." I state.

We separate into groups and sneak our way to the house. The moment of surprise should give us a great advantage. I count down from three and we approach the house silently. I made sure to leave a few guys outside to keep civilians away and notify us if there is any suspicious movement.

We break down the door and the hell breaks loose. The room fills with people, yells and gunshots. I can barely understand who's the enemy and who's an ally. I shoot occasionally a few bullets with the intention to kill. We spread in the house like plague, killing every enemy we come across.

I sign Matt to take a few guys with him and move to the second floor, while i go to the tunnels with other men. Matt nods and runs up the stairs with a handful of men. Demian and I lead our men downstairs, where the biggest confrontation is taking place. We have more men but Jace's men have better skills and more strength. There's no way to tell which side is going to win.

We separate into groups and every group takes a certain tunnel that each one of us has memorized. Me and Demian take the eastern tunnel, cause i'm almost certain that this is where the main guys are located. We run fast and follow the path we memorized previously.

We reach the first place that i thought was a weapon storage. It turns out i was right. We press ourselves against the wall to avoid bullets. And immediately shoot back. We move forward and run in zig- zag, so it would be more difficult to aim us. Our movements are skilled and shots precise. It appears that the money i spent on training my men paid off.

I search the small rooms that are hidden in the tunnel with Demian. Our men continued to fight and run through the tunnels.

Most rooms are empty or occupied by a few gangsters who we eliminate. We open the door to the next room and come face to face with Jack. He's sitting on a chair, leaning forward. He doesn't look surprised that we found him, it rather looks that he expected us.

It's the exact same room that was in the video, where Trix was drugged. The room is illuminated only by one lightbulb and the walls and floor are made of concrete.

"Hello Jack! It's not so nice to see you." I greet him.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" Jack says dramatically "Damn, i have always wanted to say that. Typical villain sentence. So, Jace, Demian. You finally found me. Wait, actually you should say 'i finally found you' and then we would start singing. Oh, i know! Let's make a band!" Jace says enthusiastically. His gaze falls on my uninterested look and his shoulders drop. He mutters something under his breath.

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