Chapter 12

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I walk through the doors confidently. I won't let anyone order me around anymore. It's my life and i have been wasting it, not anymore! I don't even know if i live till the night. The layers of my secrets are peeling down, i try to hold them together, but i'm not doing very good job with it.

"Bella, i didn't believe you would come to the school today." I turn around facing Sean. I want to wipe his hideous smirk away so bad.

"Why?" I ask simply. I already know the answer. If Jack really is in town then Sean will know it.

"Oh Bella, since he's back you're not safe at school. If i think about it more closely, you aren't safe anywhere!" He's smirk widens. It's funny that girls melt for this arrogant shithead, meanwhile i want to puke at his face.

His words make me cold. I step closer to him, so close that our bodies almost touch. He smirks, but his eyes betray fear. I can't blame him, my behaviour is unusual and that must scare the shit out of him.

I lean closer making sure to gently brush his cheek once i'm next to his ear.

"Let's go outside, it's about to get nasty!" I whisper in his ear. I have made my decision and i hope he'll play along.

He stiffens nodding hesitantly. I grab his hand and start pulling him towards the doors. Once we are out, i walk around the corner. I look over my shoulder a couple of times to check if he's following. Gladly he is.

I push Sean against the wall with force. He looks shocked, i bet he never expected that. The space between our bodies disappear when i push myself on top of him. Our chests are touching, his breath tingling my nose.

I connect our lips and start  kissing fiercely, it takes a moment for him to respond. Our hands are roaming all over each other bodies. His hands find the hem of my shirt, lifting it a little bit. His hands connect with the bare skin of my back, sending hot sensations over my body. Our kiss is not sloppy, we both use enough tongue, showing  our both experience.

I break the kiss to catch my breath. I lean closer to his ear and whisper: "Don't ever mess with the bad girl!"

I remove myself quickly from his body, stepping few steps away. Sean looks confused. I smirk as i pull out my baby, Glock 18, and point it at Sean. He stares at the gun with panic, as i pull the trigger. The bang definitely stirs my senses awake.

Sean has one perfectly aimed bloody hole across his forehead. It kind of makes me proud that i'm the one who did it.

Sean was a dickhead and I really hated him. It took a lot of effort from me to keep my good girl reputation and not attack him.

I smile to myself as i walk away. I hope that Jack gets the message. No, i don't hope, i know that he gets my message. Let the games begin. 


Jace's POV

Trix locked herself in her room after the little argument we had. She has some dark secrets and i'm curious to find them all out.

I knocked on her door, her room is oddly quiet. I tried talking to her, but there was no answer. Something didn't feel right, so i did the only rational thing to do in these kind of moments. I picked her lock.

After discovering that the room was empty i decided to look for her, it's dangerous out there with all the gangs in the city, not forgetting her lunatic ex. Since her books were gone i assume that she went to school, stubborn like she is.

Can you imagine? Some people go to extreme measures to avoid school, but Trix sneaked out of the house to get there. She probably didn't want to go either, but it was forbidden so what do you expect?

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