Chapter 13

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Trix's P.O.V

The delicious scent of pizza wakes me up. I open my eyes and sit up a little too harshly immediately feeling a sharp pain in my abdomen. I carefully lay down again holding my hands tightly on my stomach.

"Trix, don't sit up!" A familiar voice warns me, isn't it a bit late for that? I look at worried Carol. Her dark hair is tied in a high ponytail, she usually wears them down.

"Jace! Lily! She's awake!" She shouts. I hear someone running down the stairs. Jace appears on the doorway.

"I'm going to kill you! I told you not to tell anyone about my little situation!" I hiss angrily through my gritted teeth.

"No you didn't! You said that i couldn't tell Matt which i didn't, you welcome!" He says.

I stare at him. His eyes are weirdly stormy today, like he is having a war in his head. It's difficult to read him, he's usually mostly quiet and his face rarely betrays any emotions. Jace's face is always blank or smirking. He hides his emotions well. It's fascinating in a strange way.

I look at Carol, who's losing patience. Is she worried? Aw, i'm flattered.

"Carol, you can't tell Matt!" I warn her.

"He's our rival, of course i wouldn't tell him unless you beg me to!"

"Good! Where's Lily?" I ask.

"She must've gone somewhere. How do you know her? Stupid question i know, she's your neighbour obviously, but aren't you worried that she would tell your mum about this?"

"She won't, it's not the first time this happens." I shut my mouth realising that i shouldn't have said that. They're going to ask questions! Oh lord, i have no time for this.

"What!" Jace snaps.

"Uh, it's nothing to be concerned about!" Jace's eyes darken, that dude has issues.

"Speak or i'll let Matt handle this!" He states.

"Well, i kind of used to be in a gang and let's say that it's difficult to loose old habits." I mumble.

"What gang?" Cordelia asks.

"It's a story for another time."
I get up carefully, take my things and walk out of the room. The pain is disturbing, but i'm good at ignoring these kind of minor things.

"What are you doing?" Cordelia asks.

"Going home!"

"You need to rest!"

"I'll rest at home!" I tell her.

I storm out of that house, it's a bit painful to move. I try to walk straightly to my house not showing my pain. I open the door of my house and of course Matt has noticed that i wasn't home. He stands up from the table, where he and his fellow gangster were sitting. He crosses his arms and stares at me intensely. The silence is awkwardly uncomfortable.

"Where were you?" Matt asks finally breaking the silence.

"Oh, at friends house!" I lie smoothly.

"I told you stay home and you didn't listen. Something could have happened. Did you know that Sean Mendes is dead and that he was a member of the Perlarosa gang?" Matt says coldly. So they found out..

"First of all, do you think that i follow orders? Secondly nothing happened! Thirdly no and no!" I lie.

Matt stares at me angrily. The thing is that i'm almost the only one who can change Matt's emotions. It's difficult to make him angry and that's why he's a great gandleader, he makes rational and cold decisions. I know this thanks to my sources.

Matt's gaze shifts away from me when Jace, Carol and two other dudes enter. Those guys look fierce. One of them looks kind of familiar. He's eyes fall on me and he watches me a for a few moments before recognition hits him.

"Sprinkle, is that you?" He asks. He looks at me with his dark brown almost black eyes, he has dirty blonde messy hair and he has a large tattoo on his hand.

Hiw does he know me? Wait, this nickname and his eyes.

"Demian?" I whisper. Everyone look at us confused, it's clear that Matt and his gang doesn't like him nor the other guy. Jace is also surprised that we know each other. He comes a little closer with hesitation, i jump on him and wrap my legs around his hips hugging him desperately. His hand are around my torso and he hugs me back. He's appearance has changed a lot, how didn't i recognize him immediately.

"I missed you so much, sprinkle!" He whispers. A happy tear slides down my cheek. He gave me the nickname sprinkle because of my freckles. I used to hate them but he teached me to love and embrace them.

"I missed you too!" I respond.

Someone fake coughs to gain our attention. I akwardly slip myself away from Demi's embrace, maybe a little too eagerly. I feel a strong pain in my stomach. I groan and press my hands on my wound. I hope that i didn't reopen it. Demi immediately puts his hand on my back.

"Sprinkle are you okay?" He asks worried. Matt hurries to me and lifts my shirt up, i didn't have time to protest. He looks at the bloody bandage, i guess that i did reopen it.
Matt's face turns angry but his eyes are shadowed by fear, i could barely see it.

"Who did this to you?" He asks through gritted teeth.

"I tried to learn how to shoot and i accidentally shot myself." I lie again.

"What? You got shot!" He shouts in surprise. I hope that he believes my lie, but i know that Demi definitely doesn't believe me. I'm one of the best shooters and fighters he knows, so there's no way that i could shot myself accidentally.

I step away and limp to the bathroom. Matt, Jace and Demi are right behind me. I take out the first aid kit and clean my wound. I take out medical needle and thread. I specially bought them for this kind of occasions. I suture my wound while gritting my teeth and clenching my jaw in pain. I didn't let guys help me, so they just observe.
Matt is completely lost seeing how calm i am. Jace and Demi kind of get the idea.

"Trix, who shot you?" Matt ask when i'm finished.

"I already told you!" I reply.

"Why did you want to learn shooting? Where did you get a gun?" Matt asks.

"I wanted to protect myself! And i found a gun!"

"You said that you weren't in danger, so do you finally agree with me? Is he a threat?" Matt asks. It's a win-win situation for him.

At the word 'he' Demi gives me the look as asking 'does he mean that asshole?'.  I lock my eyes with him, confirming that we are thinking about the same person. I look away before Matt or Jace notice our silent thought exchange, but it's too late. Jace saw it and unfortunately understood it as well. Damn you mind readers!

"Well gangs are loose all over the city, so i thought i need protection and no, he's still not a threat and i won't give you his name!"I'm good at debating.

"Wouldn't it be safer if she lived somewhere else while everything calms down? She can stay at my place." Demi offers and winks at me.

"How do you even know each other?" Matt asks with furrowed eyebrows, he doesn't like the guy at all.

"Childhood friends!" I reply quickly.

"I know your childhood friends! He's definitely not!" Matt sees my lying through.

"No! You moved in with us when we were 13, but Demian here, moved away when i was 11!" I lie again, he was my childhood friend, but he moved away when we were 16. I can't tell Matt that because of Jack.

"Jace, Trix moves in with you and Demi!" Matt says turning to Jace. "If anything happens to her, then i make sure that you and all people who you love or care about will die." Matt warns.

My jaw drops to the ground. I'm moving in with them? Okay i don't mind living with Demian, but Jace? No way!

"Pack your things Trix! We're leaving in an hour." Jace smirks.

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