Chapter 3

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Can you belive that it's not even midnight yet? I can't, because it's relly dark outside and cold wind blows against my face. I quess that's exactly what you get when you kill someone.

I mean i have killed before intentionally but, i have never killed someone innocent nor someone who's unable to protect themselves. Well not until now.

This day has been horrible, so i need to make it better. Ironic isn't it? Many people suffer because i excist and all i think about is how to improve my day.

I think, i'll just go and beat someone up, or be beaten up. Yeah, it does improve my mood a little bit. And the best place to do that is an underground streetfight. This place is called Alex, don't ask me why this place is called like that. Probably because when someone hears us saying 'i'm going to the Alex' then they wouldn't suspect fighting. But still, weird name.

This is deffinitely not the first time when i go there. I'm actually a champion there. I'm pretty skilled.

So first i need to sign up, i haven't been here for a while. I walk to the bar, where my old friend Frank is a bartender. He's about 40 or so, he's bald and has a beard.

"Trix? Haven't seen you a while. Where have you been?" Frank asks me happily.

"Hi Frank. I have a hellhole to attend you know." i refer to school and smile at him.

"Someone is here for your title and he's looking forward to fight you."
Frank says with worried expression.

"Don't worry, i'll beat his ass. Is he here?"

"Yea, he's actually fighting right now." I look at the fighting ring and see extremely unfair fight. The other fighter has no fucking chance and he's lucky when he doesn't break any bones.

"I'm going to fight him!" I cheer.

"Be careful! He hasn't lost any fights yet" Frank says seriously.

"Well he's about to lose one now." I walked confidently away from the bar.

"And Terminator wins again" the refree shouts out.

"Is anyone brave enough to fight with The Terminator?" Refree asks from the crowd.

"I'll fight him" i answer his question with wide smirk. I look up to Terminator and quess what, he's the gangster/ bartender from that party. I'll destroy him gladly.

"Well, well. Who do we have here?" The Terminator smirks back at me.

"Our champion Trix against the
Terminator." Refree announces.

"Are you fucking kidding me? The champion is a girl and not any girl, this girl?" He laughs loudly.

We start circling to look for weaknesses taking our time.

"What? Are you afraid, asshole?" I mock him with a smirk.

"We'll see, if you are just the pretty face and a foul mouth."

"Aww.. you think that i am pretty!" I say with my best girly voice.

"When we finish, you won't be anymore!" He said throwing the first punch, what i block skilfully. And the fight for title begins.

I don't find any major weaknesses, but i do see that his ribcage is slightly bruised, probably from the last fight and i'm sure it hurts.
Unfortunately he has found my weaknesses as well. He noticed that i slightly drag one of my leg and he quickly notices that i all my left side is unprotected. You already know what happened to it.

He starts punching my hip and abdomen, i try to block it as good as i can but the damage is severe. I throw a few hits against his sore shoulder, but i'm already loosing. Like, how the fuck is he winning. Well, if i go down he'll come down with me. That sounded wrong...really wrong.

I punch a combo: jab- cross- left hook. He recovers really quickly. I throw another combo: right cross- left hook- right cross. He falls but i was too slow and he strikes my legs and i fall, all my body hurts. He comes on top on me throwing few more hits.

"And our new champion is The  Termiator!" The refree announces.

"You gave me a good fight. Trix, right?" Terminator asks, holding out a hand for me so i could get up. But stubborn like i am, i ignore it and get up by myself.

"Your name is Terminator? Seriously?" I ask and chuckle.

"Your name isn't any better!" He tries to defend his name.

"Yes it is! I'll win you next time, right now my left side was hurt." Well now i'm offically in the bottom. I lost my title to a douche.

"Bella, you said that you're not coming here anymore!" I hear a voice behind me. Shit, it's Matt. I kind of promiced that i wouldn't participate in streetfight anymore, so i wouldn't be beaten up. And now i'm beaten up pretty bad. Well atleast i have a reason now for these bruises on my left side.

"What?" I ask Matt innocently. His eyes are dark and he looks at me furiously. Damn, he's fucking mad. His eyes shift on the Terminator, he's about to explode.

"You!" He hisses. The ganster, i refuse to call him the terminator, his eyes flashed with anger, hate, surprise, but he hides his emotions behind a cocky smile.

"What are you doing here, Matt?" He basically spitts my stepbrother name out. Matt looks at me, his face becomes even more serious and angry when he sees the forming  bruise on my jaw, he also notices how i drag my left leg.

"Did you did this to her?" Matt asks turning back to the ganster.

"Is she your girl, huh?" I'm about to insult him, but Matt anwered him way too quickly.

"Yes, she is." He says confidently. I look at Matt in shock and disbelief.
What the fuck did he just say?

"I ask you one last time. Did you hit her?"

"Yea, what are you going to do about it?" Ganster challenges him, things are about to go down. I grab Matts' arm to pull him away, but he shakes my hand off.

"Matt, let's go!" I was so wrong when i thought that i'm in the bottom. But now i'm really close to it.

"You know, i'm transferred to the same school as you. So i'll see you tomorrow!"Gangster does a pretty good job with pissing Matt off. How the hell do they even know each other? Wait, did he just say that he's going in the same school as us? This will definitely blow my cover.

"Matt! We'll leave in 3 seconds or i drag you out with force." I never thought that i need to give him an ultimatum, he's the responsible one.

He looks at me really disappointedly and walks out in front of me. Well i have never seen him that angry. I'm in deep shit.

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