Chapter 4

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"WAKE UP!" My idiot stepbrother yells into my ear. I almost punched him.

"Fuck, Matt!" I throw my pillow at him. He catches it smoothly and throws back at me.

"We need to talk about last night." Matts' voice becomes suddenly so serious. There are questions that need to be aswered.

"Okay, yeah." I just woke up so i'm not very talkative right now. I also haven't had my coffee yet.

"You promised me that you wouldn't go back there and now we have a lot of problems!" His voice is filled with sadness.

"Well i needed it, okay?"

"You needed it? And you don't think about the other people who you're going to hurt with your irresponsible actions, not even for 1 second?" Matt voice rises, he almost yells at me.
He never does that.

"Fuck it, you should've let me die, so you wouldn't have any problems right now." I say coldly.

Matts' expression darkens and it quickly twists into pain. He is about to say something, but i cut him off before he has a change.

"I need to go to school, where your 'friend' is going to screw up my reputation." I turn around and walk out of the room. Well, it's my room, so i walk back to the room and push Matt out. I probably look like an idiot.

My math class is about to begin soon.

I'm actually waiting Sean. Why i'm waiting him? I just need a major distraction, what would pull me out of my dark thoughts.

And there he is.

"Oh Bella found her glasses today." He mocks me.

Today i decided to change my appearance as much as i could, so there would be smaller change that gangster boy would recognise me.

I had put on fake glasses, tied my hair into high ponytail, wear large shirt and large pants to hide my body as much as i can. Well i could've changed myself more, but then i would also have gotten more attention from my sweet bullies.

The bell rings already, it's honestly the first time after breaking up with Sean, when i hate seeing him walk away.

There goes my distraction.

Okay, i sit down in the math class, Matt's also in this class.

Our difference is that all girls are all over him and not even one boy is looking at me. I mean, if i could be myself then i would get all the boys who i want.

The lesson has already started when someone enters the class.

Fuck, the gangster is in the same class as me and Matt. At least Matt is here, so gangsta will probably turn all his attention to him.

"We have a new student, who is late! Introduce yourself to the class!" Teacher orders him.

He walks to the seat behind me and sits down. Fuck, i really hope that he's more stupid than he looks like, because i can't just hide myself for a whole year. I don't know if i can hide myself even for one day.

"Daniels. Jace Daniels." He announces, is he somekind of a James Bond fan?

Almost all girls are looking at him hungrily, i try to cover my face with my hand as much as i can.

Well at least i know his name now.

I look at Matt, he's staring at Jace.

He looks really pissed, but when Matt sees me looking at him, his eyes soften a little bit.

The class ended pretty slowly. At least it's over now. I walk to the corridor.

And boom!

Suddenly i'm pressed against the wall.

It Sean again.

He places his hands on the wall behind me, trapping me between the wall and him.

He stays really close, i can feel his breath against my skin. God, he really needs a mint.

"S-Sean! What are you doing?" I clench my fists, hoping that he doesn't notice.

People stop and look at us laughing.

"What does it look like? We all know what do you do for good grades. Want to demonstrate?" Where is this coming from? I understand what he's referring to, but i have never done this with a teacher.

"W-what?" I try to act innocent.

"You heard me sweetie." He whispers into my ear.

Unexpectedly he's pulled away from my chest.

I look up and see Jace, who's occupied with holding Sean from his collar. That's truly surprising.

"Only cowards attack people who are weaker and unprotected." Jace says confidently, the smirk appears to his face.

"Do you have any idea who i am!" Sean asks with fake confidence.

"What was your name again? A piece of shit i assume." Jace mocks.

"You are going to regret this!" Sean warns.

"No, but if i have to deal with you ever again, you will!"

I try to sneak away, but Jaces' eyes lock with mine. I can't escape now, can i?

I break the eyecontact, turn around and walk away. I just can't believe what has just happened.

I pass Matt, who's in the end of the corridor. I try not to look at him, because of the fight in the morning.

Unfortunately i have a few more lessons left, it sucks. Next is Literature, Matt is not in this class but Sean is. It keeps getting better and better.

Oh, Jace also walks in this class, i'm so screwed. I really hope that he doesn't
Recognize me.

He sits next to me and locks his eyes with mine. He smirks, he's so confusing.

"I had no change to ask before, what's your name?" He looks clearly amused and he probably already knows the answer.

"You have no need to know that!" I answered bluntly, i forgot that i need to save my reputation and correct myself quickly.

"I-i mean i'm noone important." He's smile widens.

The teacher starts talking and i turn my full attention to him, so i could ignore Jace. He says something but block him completely.

The lesson ends and i quickly walk away, but Jace is faster and catches me.

He 'accidentally' brushes my left hip, i yelp quietly, this is my bruised side. He noticed that and he grins joyfully.

"Oh Trix, i'm not an idiot." Well, now he definitely recognized me.

"Sorry, i wasn't informed about that!" I say sarcastically, no need to play a fool in front of him anymore.

"You look ridiculous with those glasses."

Is this the only thing he has to say? To insult my glasses. Okay, they are ridiculous, but that's not the point.

"Without them i wouldn't be able to see your microscopic wiener!"
He laughs from his heart, it sounds so real, i kind of like his laugh.

"It's huge, i can promise that. Hey, i even have a proof, want to see?" He challenges me with a wink.

"I'd rather burn my eyes with acid!" He puts his hand over his heart and gasps.

"That hurt right here!"

I roll my eyes. He only chuckles.

"You know, a lot of girls beg me to see it."

"They are blind, that's why." I taunt him, He smiles again giving me the look.

He tries to say something but I turn away before he has a change.

I grin to myself while walking away.

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