lost and luminous

68 13 14

lost and luminous


that bit of sun that blinds you, sneaks behind your sunglasses and you of course close your eyes. it's so bright and welcoming it hurts.

the music is tinny but heavy in soul, I feel it aching with the weight of a billion tear droplets.

I pain, I pain, I continue to pain, for your poor soul. you will never deserve even a sample of the pain I bear daily.

my light's dimming, new moon approaching, in a way. at least, I hope so. I need to shed this skin before it suffocates me.

sunshine's so far away, perilously balanced on the horizon; so dangerous, be wary.

there are quite a few stars out encouraging the new moon, phantoms, most silent, some absent. one phantom in particular hasn't looked my way in a while, I'm still mourning.

dear sunshine, I'm sorry that you're on the edge. below you is darkness, and I sympathize. I can't be there to steady you because I'm about to truly fall myself.

lifeline between us, know it's always there. indestructible. you can make it through this darkness, for you're the light, and the darkness cowers before you.

be bright, sunshine.

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