bitter twilight

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bitter twilight


struck a trouble chord, dazzling the troubled masses. the sound seems to sigh itself into the sand.

we're all left with plenty to bewitch but no motivation to do so. take the world by storm, they realize they're in the eye of the hurricane too late.

dream a little dream of magnificence, of shattering freedom, of a tear slipping down my cheek as I finally see you. moonlight's dimmer, so's sunshine, it leaves a bitter twilight taste in my mouth.

the entire universe is losing its glory, its plasticine golden sheen. the sunset sure is beautiful, but unfortunately I'm too busy shedding tears to revel in it.

blend of colors, I've pictured you blue, but what color would I be? probably red, passionate and bold, yet deep. I guess the blend is some beautiful shade of purple. alone I'm sour red.

maybe I'll postmark love notes to you, how much of a sap could I possibly be? my heart's gone cold, changing with the seasons. I've been flashbacked to the unforgiving winter of my life, frozen in time.

autumn brings half-full promises, and a longing so strong it cripples me.

oh how I wish I could crush our troubles like the fallen leaves.

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