bona fide bones

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bona fide bones


same old shoebox, closed my eyes. felt about for a sunset folding around my tired eyes.

lulling tones, popping bones, a sliver of a knife clouding with a gasp. moment to moment, sharp and smooth. platinum turned mercury in worn out veins.

softest eyes, tell no lies. killed her quick but no sorrows to it, no avail. lacy meadows, left dull throbs - blue upon a pale silhouette.

honey eyelids, colored dark. smiling big, it's such an art. golden ribbons tie you together, a gift to the world. shining so blindingly that nobody dares unravel you.

lips sewn shut, loser's luck. never talks but is sure to leave a papertrail, a path to the missing heart, but always halving it, leading around in circles. eyebrows raised for a full surprise, I'd have lost my mind twice over too.

sparkling soul, 23 karat eyes glistening with tears put on to see. silvery gold, a sight to behold. she'll probably rock you, she'll surely outtalk you, and I hope her smile is true.

crying heart, please don't start. I lose myself in your tears for I see my reflection too clearly. your pain is true, your cheeks lack hue, save for when the world is spun on its head. to me you seem grey, and to truly say, I wish your colors seemed fuller at least.

bluest love, oh skies above. hand me your troubles so that I may burden them for you. my heart always, my soul always, forever and a day I will promise to you.

now and onward, moments poised close. holding each other at knifepoint. we are all crying, and some cannot help lying -

quiet eyes tell no lies.

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