gazebo in a hurricane

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gazebo in a hurricane


rolling through the drainage pipes, stringing on by a dream. ill with thoughts of you and pale with the treat of again. cartwheeling spirals of dizzy and nausea are more tolerable than your unadulterated stare.

the nights are long and hard, and I crave sustenance for this war I was never asked to partake in. you're all but a phantom, lingering in the suspicions that make the eyes in the back of my head roll.

normality, oh please. we used to be punk rock but now we're static. erratic and displeasing, falling and fleeting. I'd say that I'm fearful but the emotion does not completely cover the potholes that litter my subconcious thoughts and actions.

disease because you've been diseased, I never had a problem with it, even when the first symptoms started appearing. even after they've riddled my darknesses further than I care for.

we're all but a memory on the horizon's windshield, slowly being scrubbed away by the windshield wipers.

I couldn't have been better, maybe wiser (as always). it's all oh well and another staple in the coffin of demise.

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