The End Of Another Era

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(general info: all titles of poems are underlined, but my personal favorites are also in italics.)

I couldn't wait, so I'm doing it today.

I started writing poetry on October 17 (technically October 16, because it was past midnight), 2016, and it quicklu became one of the few comforts of life that I could regularly and safely indulge in.

a year ago, I was in a horrible place. I started Millions in the midst of a great tragedy, and it only worsened. you can see in my words that I haven't been okay for a long time.

I had hoped that this book would be a place where I could shed my pain with my words and help myself heal. I only did this partly - the task was too great for me to accomplish in such little time.

There are some things that have improved over the last year - I've come out, I started high school, I've met some wonderful people, I feel challenged in school... I'm really doing better than I was a year ago.

I still feel shitty, and I'll need more time to recover from what happened - it's quite a strange situation. and besides That Tragedy, there's plenty of other chaos to spin into poetry.

from the bottom of my heart, I thank those that have been there since the beginning. your encouragement and support helps me keep writing and brightens my days. I am eternally grateful.

the next book will be called Don't Try, keeping with the Gerard Way theme. it's a song woven out of poetry itself, so I hope that it will bless my words with its beauty.

Don't Try will be up shortly with the first poem. if you didn't have a chance to comment in the last chapter, comment HERE and I will tag you in the first chapter when it is posted. otherwise, it can be found on my profile.



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