scrolling through emotion sour

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scrolling through emotion sour


drift across the borderlines and strike a lonely soul. you're similar to the notes that wary, the ones that kept me up at night, tears cowering at the immense feeling laid out for them to hear.

I heard my love in tones of the settig sun, I felt the rhythm dancing in my blood. it's always been a broken deal, my music always aimed to heal. the difference is staggering, because last night I didn't mean to get hurt, but I'm never surprised.

you look like my favorite songs, and you don't even know it. oftentimes, my selection crippled me, but I was always stronger. I'd hear the first few seconds years later and have a lapse of lament, my heart pulled all which way.

you sounded like disaster pure, like my words running down the drain on your arms wrapped around the risks that you don't bother to tiptoe around. in a chorus of dissonence, I looked for the keys that made sense. evidently, I looked too closely, because you don't want close. arm's length, deceiving.

already hurting, knew you'd be my own weapon against myself. subconscious tugging me closer, begging fantasy. the truest fantasy would be sunshine on my doorstep, footfalls into places I etched out of my memory ages ago.

it was never worth my musical metaphors, or my tongue-tied attempts at pleasantries. and I've always been bitter and jealous, but I still pity my own naïvete. my uneventful escapades are not secret, and yet they remain mysterious under flowery verbosity.

still running, still catching the breeze in carry-ons and crumbling under the weight. I pleaded for miracles and received blindness.

(A/N: it's almost time for a new book !!! my next poetry book will come out on october 17, 2018 - I've established a tradition of starting a new one every year. comment HERE if you'd like me to tag you when the first chapter is posted !!!)

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