aerial angel
I can't stop imagining soft blue butterfly lips fluttering into my memory, as my soul aches. headaches over summer nights spent gleeful, over warmth in a dark movie theater and the skippings of my heart.
promises left broken due to the well-meaning corruption of another, I weep not for myself. surprisingly, most of those promises were not mine, and yet I believe I think of them a great deal.
still I lay, tears trailing down into the crevices lit with fairy lights, where I've kept my love so safely. my most treasured part of myself. there we sit, skin touching and a film on screen, and nothing more.
and so I scribble words down, grimacing at the pangs in my brain. feeling a sadness so deep and limitless that no ravine could compete.
still I dream of blue butterfly lips, and still I sorrow.
Millions [Poetry]
Poetrya collection of words describing specific pain. my poetry doesn't follow any rules. my style may change but the words remain insane. ✨minimal to no cursing✨depression✨anxiety✨ hopeless romantic babble✨ proceed with caution. 2017-2018