sunflower seeds

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sunflower seeds


this cove of crystalline memory encloses, set on blinding whomever it traps within. I kept my eyes closed for ages, while diamonds seeped out of my eyes.

planting seeds that are sure to at least grow a little bit, I waver in my supposed strength for I am truly crumpled. wavering to keep up an illusion.

faking it until you're making it is so true it makes my heart bleed a bit less profusely, since it must stay in line. that does not mean, though, that I won't faint from the blood loss.

I'll give every flower until I have no more, and then I will continue to sorrow; one who may give me flowers is trapped away..

and so these planted seeds will be my flowers - slower, but also mine and my own to beacon the way through the emptiness I still feel hollowing in my soul.

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