cupid left them at my doorstep

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cupid left them at my doorstep


thoughts are tripping over a departing mind, left a basketful of broken arrows and an apology that didn't need to be spoken aloud to be heard.

the color seems drained as worms tunnel through a lonely stomach, as another hopeful intermission winds down into a close. it was never meant to be this way.

for a silver lining would probably be deadly, a poison laid thick through years of desperation. laced with the lacking of all, with the snatching of crystallized memories, with brushstrokes of darkness painted on so heavily beneath eyes.

there has never been a time as this is, although once, time fooled to say there was. countering that is a heart left devoid of all emotion save for a bare sadness seemingly untouched by efforts to cloak and jab.

anything broken will still have its way, as the sharpest shards came from those left for nothing.

fun days at the fair become bleak as thoughts of cotton candy funerals fill a mind with clutter, and with the faint desire of once again being able to breathe and beat again.

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