navy pink sunset

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navy pink sunset


november whizzing, with a snap of someone else's fingers it is almost gone... and yet, the days drag on so painfully.

paper boy in a paper box, with paper tears, and a broken paper lock. torn up tears, cry some more. I'm no longer able to tell between the frown and the smile materials, although they are shaped exactly the same. I guess it depends on how you position them.

battered and bruised, so much more than you could ever imagine. how could anyone understand? the suffering? so pure in its torment.

used to wish on all the stars, now I only wish on chocolate wrappers. a large collective, dollar's worth of pennies better make my wish come true.

please remain hidden, for I cannot begin to fall in love again. my poor paper heart just succumbs to
every artist. I still have daydreaming nightmares flashing every second.

leaking away my sorrows, oh dear. for my sorrows shape me into the masterpiece, or kind of masterpiece, at least. trying so hard to become one with the pain that it has backfired quite tragically.

lose reality for my own sake. clasp



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