strong wistful stargazing

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strong wistful stargazing


secondhand smoke, cigarette burn in my senses. light and alive, burnt fuse all done up. secondhand sweat, my head pounds with feeling, a loving hurricane.

reinvigorated and smooth, dreams set me on fire. stars glazed over in my eyes as I stared up at the lights, as my own lights shone.

took an axe to my shambled gas station heart, lit a match. so catastrophic and powerful, so dreadfully elegant.

revealing potential blueprints to be other than this, to exist a dream and not a wannabe. pop apart the pieces, laugh and scream as they're confettied around the up-and-coming ruins.

radio, love you. love me back? I'll wrap myself in triple ribbons, decked out in glory, hoping that the contents surprise you. play me out, maybe I'll be someone's favorite song.

one of the many, not for me, not for me. let me build myself up into one of the brightest stars, to climb up from the rubble, to exist so beautifully.

to dream to exist is to dream to be.

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