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This is my gift of appreciation + thankgiving (sry if your vegan) for y'all, and my early bday gift ;) LOL but thank you guys so much 😭 💕

Before we start, if you guys haven't seen Season 1, please go read it before this one..


Anyway~ I hope you guys like this season :)
Please comment and vote!

~Soo Ah's POV~

"Mrs. Soo Ah, are you ready?" One of the directors asked me.

"Yeah, almost!" I smiled, "By the way, Mi Yeong and Seojun are with their father and the boys, right?"

"Yes, that is correct." The dresser smiled, helping me put on the Kumamon head piece.

"Alright. Then that should be it." I smiled, adjusting my costume.

We all walked out of the dressing room, the camera people filming me as we made our way towards the boys party room.

It was my husband's birthday and I wanted to give him something that he adored. After struggling four years of dealing with Ji Yeon's death, Agust D coming back, and loosing my child... Everything traumatized the both of us..

I took a deep breath as we reached outside of the room.

"Ready?" They asked me.


The door slowly opened and I peaked through. Mi Yeong and Seojun were messing around, Suga was watching them, and the boys were arguing about chicken and pizza.

Then I opened the door to walk in. Suga looked over, jumping back with surprise; while V and Jin jumped with shock. I laughed at them, then Suga jumped onto his feet and hugging me.

"It's Kumamon!" He screamed happily.

Suga wouldn't seem to let go of me, so I just patted his back until he did.

"Aigoo! I was so shocked! So was Taehyung!" Jin laughed.

"Omo! Kumamon is so cute!!~" Suga squealed, picking up Mi Yeong to sit down as Jungkook taking Seojun.

I sat down, still waving my arms around, and patting Suga as I hugged him.

"AH SHIMKUNG! {heart attack}" Yoon Gi gave a gummy smile, and placing a hand over his chest. He then laid a head over my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me.

You're too much, Min Yoon Gi~ I smiled under, still hugging him.

~Suga's POV~

I fixed Seojun's shirt, still curious why Soo Ah wasn't here to join us for my birthday meal..

"Pizza or chicken?"

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