Chapter 22: Repeated Thoughts

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Before y'all read.. I just want to say I am VERYYY sorry 😅 BUT THAT'S ALL~ 

~Seojun's POV~


"Are you done?" Mi Yeong asked.

"Umm kinda? Why?"

"Uncle Ho Seok called, and he said that it was important that we come home."

"Really?" I widen my eyes as Chae Yeon looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure. But Seungcheol is going to pick you up in 5 minutes, so stay there."

"Oh.. Okay. Annyeong." I ended my call, blinking with confusion.

What's going on?

"What's wrong?" Chae Yeon asked.

"Something occurred at home, and I gotta go early."

"I see.."

"Yeah.. Sorry."

"Ah, it's okay maknae!" Hoshi wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "There's always another time."

I chuckled, "Thanks.."

A car honked at us, and they pulled their window down.

"Seojun!" My sister called.

"I'm gonna go.. Bye." I softly said, waving.

"I hope everything's alright." Chae Yeon waved back.

I nodded, turning away.

I hope so too...

I climbed in and Seungcheol drove off.

When Mi Yeong and I arrived home, she stayed with Seungcheol for a few minutes. I looked around our front yard, noticing that there was an unfamiliar car parked in front.

"Noona, we should go." I called her.

"Okay, I'm out." My sister was already climbing out of the car. 

When we entered the house, our uncles were in the living room, but our aunts, Jungkook and parents were missing. I scanned the room, the mood feeling gloomy.

"What happened..?" Mi Yeong softly asked.

"Should we?" Jimin asked.

"I mean.. They're getting older.." Nam Joon softly said.

"What do you mean?" I blinked.

Uncle Ho Seok stood up, leading us towards the couch to sit.

"It's a long story, but you guys already heard about your parents fight with Rae Hyun's mother right?"

We nodded.

"Well uhm... Your parents got into another fight..."

As our blood related uncle explained what happened, I was in complete shock. Omma and appa always seemed happy together... But I guess most people didn't really know the full depth of their relationship...

"And that's why Jin has an ice pack."

"I wouldn't think appa would attack any of you guys..." Mi Yeing softly said.

"Wait, then who's car is parked in front of our house?" I asked.

"The doctor..." Nam Joon replied.

"Doctor?!" My sister and I said in harmony.

Taehyung nodded, "We found her collapsed on the floor and immediately called the doctor.. The girls are with her, and Jungkook took Yoon Gi out to relax a bit."

"Oh my..."

So this is really what their relationship was like in the past too, hmm?

"Is it okay if we check up on omma?"

"Guys?" Jimin ask.

Jin nodded. "You two should be with her.. Go."

~Jungkook's POV~

I drove hyung towards the nearest forest, where Soo Ah would practice her archery skills, or where we all gaze over the lake.

Yoon Gi sat on the shore of the lake, staring at the sparkling horizon. I watched him from the distance of my car.

When will your pain ever end?

I sighed, looking down at my phone to check my messages.

'We got some bad news from the doctor.' - Guuci Prince {Taehyung}

'What is it?' - Kookie {Jungkook}

'He said that Soo Ah has low blood pressure. And cancer?? But it makes sense why she seems to faint a little often... right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯' - Short Jams with Abs {Jimin}

'Stfu you pabo. We don't know that it could be cancer -.-' - Pink Princess  {Jin}

'Anyway, doc said that omma's condition is life threatening.. So tell appa to calm his shit. -Seojun' - Pink Princess

I sighed, getting out of the car to approach hyung. I sat down besides him, also gazing at the view.

"How are you holding up?" I asked through his thoughts.

Yoon Gi hyung shrugged.

"Well, you want to hear the news?"

He looked down, then turning to look at me with concern.

"They said that Soo Ah has low blood pressure. And something else the boys forgot. Either cancer.. Or a shock, which both could be life threatening..."

"Aish!" Hyung led out with frustration as he ruffled his hair. "I'm such a pabo..."

"You don't think so? By the way, Seojun said to calm your shit." I chuckled. "You know he sounds just like you."

"Because he got it from me," Hyung scoffed. "He's looking after his mother when I can't do shit..."


"Jungkook, do you think it's a good idea if we divorce?"

My eyes widen with shock as if I needed water to spit out; instead I quickly shook my head and hands.

"Ani! You two are great for each other and-"

"We've been through so much trouble. How is that great?" He frowned.

"Opposites attract; water and fire." I smiled. "If you married a woman like Ji Yeon, that would cause a house to burn down. But Soo Ah, you two would be able to save probably a few people in that home. It's just your temper that goes out of hand, making noona to let herself down-"

"Okay Kookie.." He stopped me. 

"But.... You've been noticing that she's getting weaker, right?"

Yoon Gi hyung stayed silent again, so I stood up to brush myself.

"Let's just head home." He replies, also standing up.

"But are you feeling a little, you know..?"

"I'm fine." Hyung was already walking back to the car.

"Alrigh then." I softly say, walking a few steps after him.

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