Chapter 7: Relation?

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~Seungcheol's POV~

After school, I stood outside of Mi Yeong's classroom. Each student was walking out, and I could tell that each girl who did come out, glanced at me. I rubbed the back of my nape while smiling at them until Mi Yeong finally came out with a mountain of books.

"Here, let me help you carry them."

"Ani," She softly smiled, "I can handle them." But as she pulled away, a few book fell from her arms. "Omo!"

I chuckled and bent down, grabbing them. "I'll hold these. And this." I grabbed half of her stack and started walking off.

"Y-Yah! Choi Seungcheol!" Mi Yeong quickened her pace to walk beside me.

"Since you have a lot of books, how about we just hang at your house then?"

"Where do you think we could go?"

I smiled, "Well, we could go eat somewhere. Then walk around town. But let's just stay at your place to catch up, and wait for your dad."

She tend to give me her sheepish smile and we looked away. I sighed, then noticing that Seojun was already approaching us.

"Annyeonghaseyo hyung."

"Ah, annyeonghaseyo." I nodded at him. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

"That's good... So, Mi Yeong you guys still live in the same house, right?" She nodded her head. "Alright! Come on, my car's right there. I'll drive us to your house."

"Wait, mwo?!" Mi Yeong widen her eyes as I chuckled with a nod.

"Wah, you didn't know that hyung could drive?"

"Ani! I knew but-"

"I'm 22!"

"Why are you here again?" Mi Yeong rose her brow.

"Because I'm a student teacher. Kinda." I chuckled then unlocking my car, and opened the trunk. "Even if I have a tight schedule, I'm still learning with being social without fame in the way."

I closed the trunk and we all climbed into the car. We were all silent until I started the car.

Actually... The truth was that I wanted to see you again, and be close to you.. This was the only way I would be able to be beside you from all this distance...

"And what does that have to do with all this?" Mi Yeong rose her brow.

"I help the teachers?" I chuckled, my eyes focused on the rode. "I would even go to the music room and get some guidance from music teacher. Even if," I cleared my throat, "they aren't so good.. They still teach the basics that I wasn't taught."

"Well then, you came to the right family for music help." Seojun bluntly said.

"Gomas." I replied, turning my wheel to park in front of their house. "Your house is the same from the last time I saw it."

Mi Yeong scoffed and I looked over at her while walking to the trunk. "What is it now? Sarcasm?"

"Maybe. But, I suppose it's still the same."

Seojun walled towards, helping us carry Mi Yeong's books and headed to the door. Their house was still big, flowers trailed beside the sidewalk to their front porch. Seojun opened the door as we all came in, taking off our shoes.

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