Chapter 21: Fire and Water

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Hope you guys like the additional characters' POV ;)

~Jin's POV~

Soo Ah closed the door after her as I faced her room with deep breaths.

Come on Seok Jin.. You can do this..

"Jin? What did you need to tell me?" Soo Ah softly asked.

I took few more breaths, then finally turning to face her. "I-.. I have a person on mind.. Someone that I cherish more than a friend.."

Her eyebrows rose, "Oh.. And who may this person be?"

"It's really hard to express..." I mumbled as she dragged me towards the bed to sit.

"It's okay. Do you want me to get you something to drink?"

"Ani! It's just that... I-.. The person I like is.. Well.... The same gender.."

My eyes closed, releasing another deep sigh. I couldn't keep it a secret to myself, and I decided that it was time that I tell someone. But was it the right choice?

"Jin.. Are you saying that.. You're.." She cleared her throat. "Who is it?"

I slowly nodded. "Nam Joon.."

"Really?" Soo Ah blinked.

The silence filled in the gap between us. I felt awkward revealing my sexuality, and Soo Ah seemed shocked.

"Well," she spoke, "do you want me to hook you up?" A smirk came across her face.

"Soo Ah! Oh my goodness." I scoffed with a smile.

"Uh huh.. Anyway, when are you going to plan on telling the rest of the boys?"

I shrugged, "Maybe when the timing's right."

"Alright... But until you do, I'll always support you." She smiled.

I smiled back at her, then bringing her into a hug. "Thank you for being the closest to me.. I'm so grateful I can trust you other than the boys."

"I'm all ears for you," Soo Ah chuckled.

Suddenly the door burst open, making us startled and breaking free from our hug.

"Yoon Gi?" Soo Ah rose her brows with surprise.

"What the fuck, Seok Jin?" Yoon Gi's tone was filled with anger, and he came charging at me.

I panicked, rushing of his way until Soo Ah grabbed him.

"Yah! What are you doing?! Stop it!"

"Move!" He pushed Soo Ah onto the floor as I widen my eyes.

My eyes were focused on Soo Ah for a moment, then finally I felt something heavy on me. Suga tackled me down, making me hit my head hard.

Everything was moving slowly while my vision slowly drifted, I couldn't hear anything but my heavy breathing.. Only the last words I heard..

"Jin?! Jin! What the fuck Yoon Gi?!"

~Soo Ah's POV~

Yoon Gi.. Please stop...

I thought while my head started spinning. I grabbed my strength, slowly getting up to witness him tackling Jin down with a loud thud.

"Yoon Gi!!" I cried, rushing to push him off Jin. "Let go of him! He hasn't done anything wrong!"

"Get off me!" He pushed me off again.

I sat on the floor, strands of my hair covered my face when I started noticing that Jin wasn't looking to good.

The boys and girls ran towards our room, then pulling Yoon Gi off Jin.

"What did you do to him?!" Rap Monster yelled, holding onto Jin.

"It was his fault!" Yoon Gi pointed. "He was definitely having an affair with my wife!"

"Mwo?!" I frowned, Isabel and Britney helping me stand up. "I wouldn't do such thing!"

"Of course you would!" He shouted at me.

My eyes widen, my heart feeing like it was shattered to a million pieces. I couldn't control my tears as it slipped down my cheek.

"C- Can everyone get out, and watch over Jin? I want a private talk with Yoon Gi." I glared at him as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Be safe..." My brother whispered into my ear and everyone walked out.

Jungkook proposing bumped into Suga, glaring up at him, then looking back down. Cindy closed the door, and we took a moment staring at each other.

"Did you.." I croaked, breaking our eye contact. "Really think that I would cheat on you?" I paused. "Did you think I would ever break your heart? Was there even a single time that I wanted to make you jealous, or cheat on you?!"

"Yes." He bluntly says.

I scoffed, wiping my cheeks. "I didn't think you would say that..." I took a deep breath, more tears streaming down my cheeks. "What about Ji Yeon? You broke my heart when you left me for her! When all I ever did was hanging out with Taehyung! Can't I ever be close with the guys without you getting mad at me for that?!"

Yoon Gi stayed silent.

"Right... Is it because you don't trust me? Is that it?"


"You know... I thought this wouldn't come up after you promised me... Maybe J-Hope was right.. I shouldn't have dated you.. Then maybe all this wouldn't have happened..."

"No, Soo Ah.." He leaned to grab my arm but I yanked him off.

"Leave me alone."

Yoon Gi stared at me, slowly exiting out the room to close the door after him.

I waited a few heartbeat before letting out a painful scream with tears running like a waterfall. I reached to grab a pillow, throwing it against the door as I cried.

Then collapsing.

Why am I like this... Yoon Gi, why?

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